#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "eos.h" #include "net.h" #include "at_cmd.h" #include "cell.h" extern char *at_cmd_buf; void eos_cell_voice_handler(unsigned char mtype, unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t buf_len) { int rv; buffer++; buf_len--; switch (mtype) { case EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_DIAL: { if (buf_len > EOS_CELL_SIZE_PHNUM) return; buffer[buf_len] = '\0'; rv = snprintf(at_cmd_buf, AT_SIZE_CMD_BUF, "ATD%s;\r", buffer); if ((rv < 0) || (rv >= AT_SIZE_CMD_BUF)) return; rv = eos_modem_take(1000); if (rv) return; at_cmd(at_cmd_buf); rv = at_expect("^OK", "^(ERROR|\\+CME ERROR: [0-9]+)", 1000); eos_modem_give(); eos_cell_pcm_start(); break; } case EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_ANSWER: { rv = eos_modem_take(1000); if (rv) return; at_cmd("ATA\r"); // Response will be picked up by urc handler eos_modem_give(); eos_cell_pcm_start(); break; } case EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_HANGUP: { eos_cell_pcm_stop(); rv = eos_modem_take(1000); if (rv) return; at_cmd("AT+CHUP\r"); // Response will be picked up by urc handler eos_modem_give(); break; } case EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_PCM: { eos_cell_pcm_push(buffer, buf_len); break; } } } static void ring_handler(char *urc, regmatch_t m[]) { unsigned char *buf; char *ring_buf; uint16_t len; regmatch_t match[2]; int rv = EOS_OK; buf = eos_net_alloc(); buf[0] = EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE | EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_RING; len = 1; rv = at_expect_match("^\\+CLIP: \"(\\+?[0-9]+)\"", NULL, &ring_buf, match, 2, REG_EXTENDED, 1000); if (!rv) { regoff_t num_len; num_len = match[1].rm_eo - match[1].rm_so; if (num_len > EOS_CELL_SIZE_PHNUM) { eos_net_free(buf); return; } memcpy(buf + 1, ring_buf + match[1].rm_so, num_len); len += num_len; } eos_net_send(EOS_NET_MTYPE_CELL, buf, len); } static void busy_handler(char *urc, regmatch_t m[]) { unsigned char *buf; uint16_t len; eos_cell_pcm_stop(); buf = eos_net_alloc(); buf[0] = EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE | EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_BUSY; len = 1; eos_net_send(EOS_NET_MTYPE_CELL, buf, len); } static void miss_handler(char *urc, regmatch_t m[]) { unsigned char *buf; uint16_t len; eos_cell_pcm_stop(); buf = eos_net_alloc(); buf[0] = EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE | EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_MISS; len = 1; eos_net_send(EOS_NET_MTYPE_CELL, buf, len); } static void call_begin_handler(char *urc, regmatch_t m[]) { unsigned char *buf; vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); at_cmd("AT+CECH=0x0000\r"); at_expect("^OK", "^ERROR", 1000); at_cmd("AT+CECDT=0x0000\r"); at_expect("^OK", "^ERROR", 1000); at_cmd("AT+CECWB=0x0000\r"); at_expect("^OK", "^ERROR", 1000); at_cmd("AT+CNSLIM=0x0000\r"); at_expect("^OK", "^ERROR", 1000); /* at_cmd("AT+CECRX=0\r"); at_expect("^OK", "^ERROR", 1000); */ buf = eos_net_alloc(); buf[0] = EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE | EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_BEGIN; eos_net_send(EOS_NET_MTYPE_CELL, buf, 1); } static void call_end_handler(char *urc, regmatch_t m[]) { unsigned char *buf; int duration = 0; eos_cell_pcm_stop(); sscanf(urc + m[1].rm_so, "%6d", &duration); buf = eos_net_alloc(); buf[0] = EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE | EOS_CELL_MTYPE_VOICE_END; buf[1] = duration >> 24; buf[2] = duration >> 16; buf[3] = duration >> 8; buf[4] = duration; eos_net_send(EOS_NET_MTYPE_CELL, buf, 5); } void eos_cell_voice_init(void) { at_urc_insert("^RING", ring_handler, REG_EXTENDED); at_urc_insert("^BUSY", busy_handler, REG_EXTENDED); at_urc_insert("^NO CARRIER", miss_handler, REG_EXTENDED); at_urc_insert("^MISSED.CALL: [^ ]+ (\\+?[0-9]+)$", miss_handler, REG_EXTENDED); at_urc_insert("^VOICE CALL: BEGIN", call_begin_handler, REG_EXTENDED); at_urc_insert("^VOICE CALL: END: ([0-9]{6}$)$", call_end_handler, REG_EXTENDED); }