path: root/code/fe310
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Diffstat (limited to 'code/fe310')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/code/fe310/eos/Makefile b/code/fe310/eos/Makefile
index f097327..a3fb640 100644
--- a/code/fe310/eos/Makefile
+++ b/code/fe310/eos/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ FE310_HOME = /opt/my/freedom-e-sdk
CC = $(FE310_HOME)/work/build/riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv64-unknown-elf/prefix/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
AR = $(FE310_HOME)/work/build/riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv64-unknown-elf/prefix/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-ar
+CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_PL) -I../..
obj = trap_entry.o eos.o msgq.o event.o interrupt.o timer.o i2s.o net.o ecp.o
diff --git a/code/fe310/eos/trap_entry.S b/code/fe310/eos/trap_entry.S
index 1908327..26e93cb 100644
--- a/code/fe310/eos/trap_entry.S
+++ b/code/fe310/eos/trap_entry.S
@@ -69,14 +69,6 @@ eos_trap_entry:
beq x9, x18, i2s_handler_ws
li x18, I2S_IRQ_SD_ID
beq x9, x18, i2s_handler_sd
- li x18, INT_SPI1_BASE
- beq x9, x18, spi_handler_xchg
- beq x9, x18, spi_handler_cts
- beq x9, x18, spi_handler_rts
j handler
@@ -374,391 +366,6 @@ eos_flash_set:
sw a0, SPI_REG_FCTRL(a3)
-# x9 - cmd, x18 - buffer, x19 - len, x20 - &flags, x21 - flags
- ori x21, x21, SPI_FLAG_INIT
- andi x21, x21, ~SPI_FLAG_CTS
- la x22, _eos_spi_state_next_cnt
- lbu x23, 0(x22)
- beqz x23, 1f
- la x22, _eos_spi_state_next_buf
- lw x23, 0(x22)
- bnez x23, 1f
- ori x9, x9, EOS_NET_CMD_FLAG_ONEW
- andi x22, x9, EOS_NET_CMD_FLAG_ONEW
- beqz x22, 2f
- ori x21, x21, SPI_FLAG_ONEW
- sw x21, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_cmd
- sb x9, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_buf
- sw x18, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_len_tx
- sw x19, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_len_rx
- sw x0, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_idx_tx
- sw x0, 0(x20)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_idx_rx
- sw x0, 0(x20)
- li x20, SPI1_CTRL_ADDR
- sw x21, SPI_REG_CSMODE(x20)
- slli x21, x9, 3
- srli x22, x19, 8
- or x21, x21, x22
- andi x21, x21, 0xff
- sw x21, SPI_REG_TXFIFO(x20)
- andi x21, x19, 0xff
- sw x21, SPI_REG_TXFIFO(x20)
- li x21, 1
- sw x21, SPI_REG_RXCTRL(x20)
- li x21, SPI_IP_RXWM
- sw x21, SPI_REG_IE(x20)
- jalr x0, x8
- li x19, SPI1_CTRL_ADDR
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_flags
- lbu x20, 0(x18)
- andi x8, x20, SPI_FLAG_RST
- beqz x8, 0f
- andi x20, x20, ~SPI_FLAG_RST
- sb x20, 0(x18)
- lw x0, SPI_REG_RXFIFO(x19)
- sw x8, SPI_REG_CSMODE(x19)
- sw x0, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- andi x8, x20, SPI_FLAG_INIT
- beqz x8, 6f
- andi x20, x20, ~SPI_FLAG_INIT
- sb x20, 0(x18)
- li x8, SPI_SIZE_WM
- sw x8, SPI_REG_TXCTRL(x19)
- li x8, SPI_IP_TXWM
- sw x8, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- lw x8, SPI_REG_RXFIFO(x19)
- lw x9, SPI_REG_RXFIFO(x19)
- andi x8, x8, 0xff
- andi x9, x9, 0xff
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_cmd
- lbu x23, 0(x18)
- andi x23, x23, EOS_NET_CMD_FLAG_ONEW
- beqz x23, 1f
- mv x8, x0
- mv x9, x0
- srli x23, x8, 3
- sb x23, 0(x18)
- andi x22, x8, 0x07
- slli x22, x22, 8
- or x22, x22, x9
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_len_rx
- sw x22, 0(x18)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_len_tx
- lw x21, 0(x18)
- bgeu x21, x22, 2f
- mv x21, x22
- li x8, 6
- bgeu x21, x8, 3f
- mv x21, x8
- j 4f
- addi x8, x21, 2
- li x9, 4
- remu x18, x8, x9
- beqz x18, 4f
- divu x21, x8, x9
- addi x21, x21, 1
- mul x21, x21, x9
- addi x21, x21, -2
- li x8, SPI_SIZE_BUF + 1
- bltu x21, x8, 5f
- sw x8, SPI_REG_CSMODE(x19)
- sw x0, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_len
- sw x21, 0(x18)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_len
- lw x20, 0(x18)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_idx_tx
- lw x21, 0(x18)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_idx_rx
- lw x22, 0(x18)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_buf
- lw x23, 0(x18)
- sub x9, x20, x21
- bltu x8, x9, 7f
- mv x8, x9
- addi x8, x8, -1
- add x9, x23, x21
- bltz x8, 9f
- lw x18, SPI_REG_TXFIFO(x19)
- bltz x18, 9f
- lbu x18, 0(x9)
- sw x18, SPI_REG_TXFIFO(x19)
- addi x8, x8, -1
- addi x9, x9, 1
- addi x21, x21, 1
- j 8b
- sub x8, x21, x22
- addi x8, x8, -1
- add x9, x23, x22
- bltz x8, 11f
- lw x18, SPI_REG_RXFIFO(x19)
- bltz x18, 11f
- sb x18, 0(x9)
- addi x8, x8, -1
- addi x9, x9, 1
- addi x22, x22, 1
- j 10b
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_idx_tx
- sw x21, 0(x18)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_idx_rx
- sw x22, 0(x18)
- bne x22, x20, 15f
- sw x8, SPI_REG_CSMODE(x19)
- sw x0, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_cmd
- lbu x21, 0(x18)
- beqz x21, 12f
- # push to event queue
- jal x20, evtq_push
- beqz x8, 14f
- ori x21, x21, EOS_EVT_NET
- sb x21, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_CMD(x8)
- sw x23, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_BUF(x8)
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_len_rx
- lw x22, 0(x18)
- sh x22, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_SIZE(x8)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- la x18, _eos_spi_state_flags
- lbu x8, 0(x18)
- andi x19, x8, SPI_FLAG_ONEW
- bnez x19, 13f
- la x19, _eos_spi_state_next_cnt
- lbu x9, 0(x19)
- beqz x9, 14f
- la x19, _eos_spi_state_next_buf
- lw x9, 0(x19)
- bnez x9, 14f
- andi x8, x8, ~SPI_FLAG_ONEW
- sb x8, 0(x18)
- sw x23, 0(x19)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- # push to spi buf queue
- la x19, _eos_spi_buf_q
- lbu x8, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_IDXW(x19)
- andi x9, x8, SPI_SIZE_BUFQ - 1
- slli x9, x9, 2
- add x9, x19, x9
- sw x23, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_ARRAY(x9)
- addi x8, x8, 1
- sb x8, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_IDXW(x19)
- j spi_handler_xchg_exit
- bne x21, x20, spi_handler_xchg_exit
- sub x8, x20, x22
- addi x8, x8, -1
- li x9, SPI_SIZE_WM - 1
- bltu x8, x9, 16f
- mv x8, x9
- sw x8, SPI_REG_RXCTRL(x19)
- li x9, SPI_IP_RXWM
- sw x9, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- # complete
- li x18, INT_SPI1_BASE
- li x19, PLIC_CLAIM
- sw x18, 0(x19)
- # exit
- j trap_exit_data
- li x8, 1
- slli x8, x8, SPI_PIN_CTS
- li x19, GPIO_CTRL_ADDR
- sw x8, GPIO_RISE_IP(x19)
- la x20, _eos_spi_state_flags
- lbu x21, 0(x20)
- ori x21, x21, SPI_FLAG_CTS
- sb x21, 0(x20)
- andi x9, x21, SPI_FLAG_RDY
- beqz x9, 2f
- # pop from send q
- la x9, _eos_spi_send_q
- lbu x18, MSGQ_OFF_IDXR(x9)
- lbu x19, MSGQ_OFF_IDXW(x9)
- beq x18, x19, 1f
- lbu x8, MSGQ_OFF_SIZE(x9)
- addi x8, x8, -1
- and x8, x8, x18
- li x19, MSGQ_ITEM_SIZE
- mul x8, x8, x19
- lw x19, MSGQ_OFF_ARRAY(x9)
- add x8, x19, x8
- addi x18, x18, 1
- sb x18, MSGQ_OFF_IDXR(x9)
- lbu x9, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_CMD(x8)
- lw x18, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_BUF(x8)
- lhu x19, MSGQ_ITEM_OFF_SIZE(x8)
- beqz x18, 1f
- jal x8, spi_xchg_start
- j spi_handler_cts_exit
- andi x9, x21, SPI_FLAG_RTS
- beqz x9, spi_handler_cts_exit
- # pop from spi buf queue
- la x9, _eos_spi_buf_q
- lbu x18, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_IDXR(x9)
- lbu x19, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_IDXW(x9)
- beq x18, x19, spi_handler_cts_exit
- andi x8, x18, SPI_SIZE_BUFQ - 1
- slli x8, x8, 2
- add x8, x9, x8
- addi x18, x18, 1
- sb x18, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_IDXR(x9)
- mv x9, x0
- lw x18, SPI_BUFQ_OFF_ARRAY(x8)
- mv x19, x0
- beqz x18, spi_handler_cts_exit
- jal x8, spi_xchg_start
- j spi_handler_cts_exit
- lw x8, GPIO_IOF_EN(x19)
- li x9, 1
- slli x9, x9, SPI_PIN_CS
- not x9, x9
- and x8, x8, x9
- sw x8, GPIO_IOF_EN(x19)
- # complete
- li x19, PLIC_CLAIM
- sw x18, 0(x19)
- # exit
- j trap_exit_data
- li x8, 1
- slli x8, x8, SPI_PIN_RTS
- li x18, GPIO_CTRL_ADDR
- la x19, _eos_spi_state_flags
- lw x9, GPIO_RISE_IP(x18)
- and x9, x9, x8
- beqz x9, 1f
- sw x8, GPIO_RISE_IP(x18)
- lbu x8, 0(x19)
- ori x8, x8, SPI_FLAG_RTS
- sb x8, 0(x19)
- andi x9, x8, SPI_FLAG_RDY
- beqz x9, spi_handler_rts_exit
- andi x9, x8, SPI_FLAG_CTS
- beqz x9, spi_handler_rts_exit
- andi x8, x8, ~SPI_FLAG_CTS
- ori x8, x8, SPI_FLAG_RST
- sb x8, 0(x19)
- li x19, SPI1_CTRL_ADDR
- sw x8, SPI_REG_CSMODE(x19)
- sw x0, SPI_REG_TXFIFO(x19)
- sw x0, SPI_REG_RXCTRL(x19)
- li x8, SPI_IP_RXWM
- sw x8, SPI_REG_IE(x19)
- j spi_handler_rts_exit
- lw x9, GPIO_FALL_IP(x18)
- and x9, x9, x8
- beqz x9, spi_handler_rts_exit
- sw x8, GPIO_FALL_IP(x18)
- lbu x8, 0(x19)
- andi x8, x8, ~SPI_FLAG_RTS
- sb x8, 0(x19)
- # complete
- li x19, PLIC_CLAIM
- sw x18, 0(x19)
- # exit
- j trap_exit_data
-#endif /* EOS_WITH_SPI_ASM */
# Remain in M-mode after mret