From 76ec318118106cb25d762de83857f6579c13e273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Uros Majstorovic Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 03:06:13 +0200 Subject: yocto rename --- recipes-bsp/esp32spid/LICENSE | 339 ---- recipes-bsp/esp32spid/ | 28 - recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/Makefile | 15 - recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.c | 42 - recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.h | 19 - recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.c | 284 ---- recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.h | 24 - recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.c | 94 -- recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.h | 8 - recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-boot_%.bbappend | 13 - recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/ | 20 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/0000-board-support.patch | 36 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig | 30 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Makefile | 17 - .../cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/cl-imx8.c | 145 -- .../rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.c | 33 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.h | 11 - .../cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/ddr.h | 14 - .../board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.c | 1733 -------------------- .../board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c | 1733 -------------------- .../rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/spl.c | 301 ---- .../cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_android_defconfig | 50 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d1_defconfig | 55 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d2_defconfig | 55 - .../rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_defconfig | 54 - recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/dts/cl-imx8.dts | 403 ----- .../rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8.h | 267 --- .../cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8_android.h | 53 - recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils/fw_env.config | 4 - recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils_%.bbappend | 21 - recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2018.03.bbappend | 6 - 31 files changed, 5907 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/LICENSE delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/ delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/Makefile delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-boot_%.bbappend delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/ delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/0000-board-support.patch delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Makefile delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/cl-imx8.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/ddr.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/spl.c delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_android_defconfig delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d1_defconfig delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d2_defconfig delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_defconfig delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/dts/cl-imx8.dts delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8_android.h delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils/fw_env.config delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils_%.bbappend delete mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2018.03.bbappend (limited to 'recipes-bsp') diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/LICENSE b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index d159169..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/ b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/ deleted file mode 100644 index f403c5b..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -DESCRIPTION = "esp32 spi daemon" -SECTION = "base" -LICENSE = "GPLv2" -LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/LICENSE;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263" -PR = "r0" - -FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}:" - -SRC_URI = " \ - file://src/ \ - file://LICENSE \ -" - -S = "${WORKDIR}/src" -TARGET_CC_ARCH += "${LDFLAGS}" - -do_compile () { - cd ${S} - ${MAKE} -} - -do_install () { - install -d ${D}${bindir} - install -m 0755 ${S}/esp32spid ${D}${bindir}/ -} - -DEPENDS = "libgpiod" -RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libgpiod" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/Makefile b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index fcecbd5..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#CFLAGS = -LDFLAGS = -pthread -lgpiod -TARGET = esp32spid -obj = msgq.o spi.o tun.o - -all: $(TARGET) - -%.o: %.c %.h - $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< - -$(TARGET): $(obj) - $(CC) $(obj) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ - -clean: - rm -f $(TARGET) *.o diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.c b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.c deleted file mode 100644 index ff9f59e..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -#include -#include - -#include "msgq.h" - -#define IDX_MASK(IDX, SIZE) ((IDX) & ((SIZE) - 1)) - -int msgq_init(MSGQueue *msgq, unsigned char **array, uint16_t size) { - int rv; - - msgq->idx_r = 0; - msgq->idx_w = 0; - msgq->size = size; - msgq->array = array; - rv = pthread_mutex_init(&msgq->mutex, NULL); - if (rv) { - return MSGQ_ERR; - } - - rv = pthread_cond_init(&msgq->cond, NULL); - if (rv) { - pthread_mutex_destroy(&msgq->mutex); - return MSGQ_ERR; - } -} - -int msgq_push(MSGQueue *msgq, unsigned char *buffer) { - if ((uint16_t)(msgq->idx_w - msgq->idx_r) == msgq->size) return MSGQ_ERR_FULL; - - msgq->array[IDX_MASK(msgq->idx_w++, msgq->size)] = buffer; - return MSGQ_OK; -} - -unsigned char *msgq_pop(MSGQueue *msgq) { - if (msgq->idx_r == msgq->idx_w) return NULL; - - return msgq->array[IDX_MASK(msgq->idx_r++, msgq->size)]; -} - -uint16_t msgq_len(MSGQueue *msgq) { - return (uint16_t)(msgq->idx_w - msgq->idx_r); -} diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.h b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.h deleted file mode 100644 index 665be32..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/msgq.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -#include - -#define MSGQ_OK 0 -#define MSGQ_ERR -1 -#define MSGQ_ERR_FULL -10 - -typedef struct MSGQueue { - uint16_t idx_r; - uint16_t idx_w; - uint16_t size; - unsigned char **array; - pthread_mutex_t mutex; - pthread_cond_t cond; -} MSGQueue; - -int msgq_init(MSGQueue *msgq, unsigned char **array, uint16_t size); -int msgq_push(MSGQueue *msgq, unsigned char *buffer); -unsigned char *msgq_pop(MSGQueue *msgq); -uint16_t msgq_len(MSGQueue *msgq); diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.c b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.c deleted file mode 100644 index 5bd0718..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/spi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "msgq.h" -#include "tun.h" -#include "spi.h" - -static pthread_t rtscts_thd; -static pthread_t worker_thd; -static pthread_t handler_thd; -static pthread_mutex_t mutex; - -struct gpiod_line *gpio_rts, *gpio_cts; -static struct gpiod_line_bulk gpio_rtscts; - -static MSGQueue spi_bufq; -static unsigned char *spi_bufq_array[SPI_SIZE_BUFQ]; - -static MSGQueue spi_msgq_in; -static unsigned char *spi_msgq_in_array[SPI_SIZE_MSGQ]; - -static MSGQueue spi_msgq_out; -static unsigned char *spi_msgq_out_array[SPI_SIZE_MSGQ]; - -static uint32_t spi_speed = 5000000; -static int spi_fd; - -static int _spi_xchg(unsigned char *buffer) { - int rv; - uint16_t len_tx; - uint16_t len_rx; - struct spi_ioc_transfer tr; - - memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(tr)); - tr.tx_buf = (unsigned long)buffer; - tr.rx_buf = (unsigned long)buffer; - tr.speed_hz = spi_speed, - - len_tx = (uint16_t)buffer[1] << 8; - len_tx |= (uint16_t)buffer[2] & 0xFF; - if (len_tx > SPI_MTU) return SPI_ERR; - - len_tx += SPI_SIZE_HDR; - // esp32 dma workaraund - if (len_tx < 8) { - len_tx = 8; - } else if (len_tx % 4 != 0) { - len_tx = (len_tx / 4 + 1) * 4; - } - - tr.len = len_tx; - - pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); - rv = ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr); - if (rv < 0) return SPI_ERR_MSG; - - len_rx = (uint16_t)buffer[1] << 8; - len_rx |= (uint16_t)buffer[2] & 0xFF; - if (len_rx > SPI_MTU) return SPI_ERR; - - len_rx += SPI_SIZE_HDR; - if (len_rx > len_tx) { - tr.tx_buf = (unsigned long)NULL; - tr.rx_buf = (unsigned long)(buffer + len_tx); - - len_tx = len_rx - len_tx; - // esp32 dma workaraund - if (len_tx < 8) { - len_tx = 8; - } else if (len_tx % 4 != 0) { - len_tx = (len_tx / 4 + 1) * 4; - } - - tr.len = len_tx; - - pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); - rv = ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr); - if (rv < 0) return SPI_ERR_MSG; - } - - return SPI_OK; -} - -static void *spi_rtscts_handler(void *arg) { - MSGQueue *msgq_out = &spi_msgq_out; - int i, rv; - struct gpiod_line_bulk evt_lines; - struct gpiod_line_event event; - - while (1) { - rv = gpiod_line_event_wait_bulk(&gpio_rtscts, NULL, &evt_lines); - if (rv < 0) continue; - - for (i=0; imutex); - pthread_cond_signal(&msgq_out->cond); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&msgq_out->mutex); - break; - case SPI_GPIO_CTS: - pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); - break; - } - } - } - return NULL; -} - -static void *spi_worker(void *arg) { - MSGQueue *bufq = &spi_bufq; - MSGQueue *msgq_in = &spi_msgq_in; - MSGQueue *msgq_out = &spi_msgq_out; - int rv; - unsigned char *buffer; - - while (1) { - pthread_mutex_lock(&msgq_out->mutex); - buffer = msgq_pop(msgq_out); - if ((buffer == NULL) && (gpiod_line_get_value(gpio_rts) == 1)) { - pthread_mutex_lock(&bufq->mutex); - buffer = msgq_pop(bufq); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufq->mutex); - } - if (buffer == NULL) { - pthread_cond_wait(&msgq_out->cond, &msgq_out->mutex); - buffer = msgq_pop(msgq_out); - } - pthread_mutex_unlock(&msgq_out->mutex); - if (buffer) { - rv = _spi_xchg(buffer); - if (rv || (buffer[0] == 0)) { - buffer[1] = 0; - buffer[2] = 0; - pthread_mutex_lock(&bufq->mutex); - rv = msgq_push(bufq, buffer); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufq->mutex); - } else { - pthread_mutex_lock(&msgq_in->mutex); - rv = msgq_push(msgq_in, buffer); - pthread_cond_signal(&msgq_in->cond); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&msgq_in->mutex); - } - } - } - return NULL; -} - -static void *spi_handler(void *arg) { - MSGQueue *bufq = &spi_bufq; - MSGQueue *msgq_in = &spi_msgq_in; - unsigned char *buffer; - unsigned char mtype; - uint16_t len; - int rv; - - while (1) { - pthread_mutex_lock(&msgq_in->mutex); - buffer = msgq_pop(msgq_in); - if (buffer == NULL) { - pthread_cond_wait(&msgq_in->cond, &msgq_in->mutex); - buffer = msgq_pop(msgq_in); - } - pthread_mutex_unlock(&msgq_in->mutex); - if (buffer) { - mtype = buffer[0]; - len = (uint16_t)buffer[1] << 8; - len |= (uint16_t)buffer[2] & 0xFF; - - switch (mtype) { - case SPI_MTYPE_TUN: - tun_write(buffer + SPI_SIZE_HDR, len); - break; - } - buffer[0] = 0; - buffer[1] = 0; - buffer[2] = 0; - pthread_mutex_lock(&bufq->mutex); - rv = msgq_push(bufq, buffer); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufq->mutex); - } - } -} - -unsigned char *spi_alloc(void) { - MSGQueue *bufq = &spi_bufq; - unsigned char *ret; - - pthread_mutex_lock(&bufq->mutex); - ret = msgq_pop(bufq); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufq->mutex); - - return ret; -} - -void spi_free(unsigned char *buffer) { - MSGQueue *bufq = &spi_bufq; - - buffer[0] = 0; - buffer[1] = 0; - buffer[2] = 0; - pthread_mutex_lock(&bufq->mutex); - msgq_push(bufq, buffer); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufq->mutex); -} - -int spi_xchg(unsigned char mtype, unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t len) { - int rv; - MSGQueue *msgq_out = &spi_msgq_out; - - buffer[0] = mtype; - buffer[1] = len >> 8; - buffer[2] = len & 0xFF; - - pthread_mutex_lock(&msgq_out->mutex); - rv = msgq_push(msgq_out, buffer); - pthread_cond_signal(&msgq_out->cond); - pthread_mutex_unlock(&msgq_out->mutex); - - return rv; -} - -int spi_init(char *fname) { - int rv, i; - struct gpiod_chip *gpio_chip; - - spi_fd = open(fname, O_RDWR); - if (spi_fd < 0) return SPI_ERR_OPEN; - - rv = ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &spi_speed); - if (rv == -1) return SPI_ERR; - - gpio_chip = gpiod_chip_open_by_name(SPI_GPIO_BANK); - if (gpio_chip == NULL) return SPI_ERR; - - gpio_rts = gpiod_chip_get_line(gpio_chip, SPI_GPIO_RTS); - gpio_cts = gpiod_chip_get_line(gpio_chip, SPI_GPIO_CTS); - if ((gpio_rts == NULL) || (gpio_cts == NULL)) return SPI_ERR; - - gpiod_line_bulk_init(&gpio_rtscts); - gpiod_line_bulk_add(&gpio_rtscts, gpio_rts); - gpiod_line_bulk_add(&gpio_rtscts, gpio_cts); - rv = gpiod_line_request_bulk_rising_edge_events(&gpio_rtscts, "rtscts"); - if (rv) return SPI_ERR; - - msgq_init(&spi_bufq, spi_bufq_array, SPI_SIZE_BUFQ); - msgq_init(&spi_msgq_in, spi_msgq_in_array, SPI_SIZE_MSGQ); - msgq_init(&spi_msgq_out, spi_msgq_out_array, SPI_SIZE_MSGQ); - for (i=0; i - -#define SPI_GPIO_BANK "gpiochip2" -#define SPI_GPIO_CTS 3 -#define SPI_GPIO_RTS 4 - -#define SPI_MTU 1500 -#define SPI_SIZE_BUF (SPI_MTU + 8) -#define SPI_SIZE_HDR 3 - -#define SPI_SIZE_BUFQ 64 -#define SPI_SIZE_MSGQ 256 - -#define SPI_MTYPE_TUN 1 - -#define SPI_OK 0 -#define SPI_ERR -1 -#define SPI_ERR_OPEN -10 -#define SPI_ERR_MSG -11 - -unsigned char *spi_alloc(void); -void spi_free(unsigned char *buffer); -int spi_xchg(unsigned char mtype, unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t len); -int spi_init(char *fname); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.c b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.c deleted file mode 100644 index d75edc4..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -#include - -#include "spi.h" -#include "tun.h" - -static pthread_t read_thd; - -static int tun_fd; -static char tun_name[IFNAMSIZ]; - -static int tun_alloc(char *dev, int flags) { - struct ifreq ifr; - int fd, err; - char *clonedev = "/dev/net/tun"; - - /* Arguments taken by the function: - * - * char *dev: the name of an interface (or '\0'). MUST have enough - * space to hold the interface name if '\0' is passed - * int flags: interface flags (eg, IFF_TUN etc.) - */ - - fd = open(clonedev, O_RDWR); - if (fd < 0) { - return fd; - } - - memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); - ifr.ifr_flags = flags; /* IFF_TUN or IFF_TAP, plus maybe IFF_NO_PI */ - - if (*dev) { - /* if a device name was specified, put it in the structure; otherwise, - * the kernel will try to allocate the "next" device of the - * specified type */ - strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev, IFNAMSIZ); - } - - /* try to create the device */ - err = ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &ifr); - if (err < 0) { - close(fd); - return err; - } - - /* if the operation was successful, write back the name of the - * interface to the variable "dev", so the caller can know - * it. Note that the caller MUST reserve space in *dev (see calling - * code below) */ - strcpy(dev, ifr.ifr_name); - - /* this is the special file descriptor that the caller will use to talk - * with the virtual interface */ - return fd; -} - -void *tun_read(void *arg) { - unsigned char *buffer; - int len; - - while (1) { - buffer = spi_alloc(); - if (buffer == NULL) continue; - len = read(tun_fd, buffer + SPI_SIZE_HDR, SPI_SIZE_BUF - SPI_SIZE_HDR); - if (len < 0) { - perror("tun read"); - continue; - } - spi_xchg(SPI_MTYPE_TUN, buffer, len); - } -} - -int tun_write(unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t len) { - return write(tun_fd, buffer, len); -} - -int tun_init(void) { - int rv; - - strcpy(tun_name, "tun0"); - tun_fd = tun_alloc(tun_name, IFF_TUN | IFF_NO_PI); - if (tun_fd < 0) return TUN_ERR; - - return TUN_OK; -} diff --git a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.h b/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.h deleted file mode 100644 index bcfdac5..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/esp32spid/src/tun.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#include - -#define TUN_OK 0 -#define TUN_ERR -1 - -void *tun_read(void *arg); -int tun_write(unsigned char *buffer, uint16_t len); -int tun_init(void); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-boot_%.bbappend b/recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-boot_%.bbappend deleted file mode 100644 index 5fa1774..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-boot_%.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -do_compile_preppend () { - make_file=${S}/iMX8M/soc.mak - if [ -e ${make_file} ]; then - sed -i "s/^dtbs = .*dtb/dtbs = ${UBOOT_DTB_NAME}/g" ${make_file} - if [ ! -z ${DDR_FIRMWARE_VERSION} ]; then - sed -i "/^lpddr4_.mem_.d = / i LPDDR_FW_VERSION = _${DDR_FIRMWARE_VERSION}" ${make_file} - fi - fi -} - -addtask compile_preppend before do_compile after do_configure - -COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(cl-imx8)" diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/ b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4d922bb..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -SRC_URI_append_cl-imx8 = " \ - file://0000-board-support.patch \ - file://dts/ \ - file://board/ \ - file://configs/ \ - file://include/ \ -" - -do_patch_copy () { - mkdir -p ${S}/board/rvphone - cp -a ${WORKDIR}/dts/* ${S}/arch/arm/dts/ - cp -a ${WORKDIR}/board/rvphone/cl-imx8 ${S}/board/rvphone/ - cp -a ${WORKDIR}/configs/* ${S}/configs/ - cp -a ${WORKDIR}/include/configs/* ${S}/include/configs/ - if [ ! -z ${DDR_FIRMWARE_VERSION} ]; then - cp ${S}/board/compulab/cl-som-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g_${DDR_FIRMWARE_VERSION}.c ${S}/board/compulab/cl-som-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c - fi -} - -addtask patch_copy after do_patch before do_configure diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/0000-board-support.patch b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/0000-board-support.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 16e5b8a..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/0000-board-support.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile -index c841df051d..5375779bdd 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile -+++ b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile -@@ -479,6 +479,8 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8) += fsl-imx8dx-17x17-val.dtb \ - fsl-imx8qxp-lpddr4-arm2.dtb \ - fsl-imx8qxp-mek.dtb - -+dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8) += cl-imx8.dtb -+ - dtb-$(CONFIG_RCAR_GEN3) += \ - r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb \ - r8a7795-salvator-x.dtb \ -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig -index 09779cda64..cb2fa337fc 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig -@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ config TARGET_IMX8MM_DDR4_EVK - select SUPPORT_SPL - select IMX8M_DDR4 - -+config TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8 -+ bool "rvPhone cl-imx8 board" -+ select IMX8MQ -+ select SUPPORT_SPL -+ - endchoice - - config SYS_SOC -@@ -77,5 +82,6 @@ source "board/freescale/imx8mq_phanbell/Kconfig" - source "board/freescale/imx8mq_aiy/Kconfig" - source "board/freescale/imx8mm_evk/Kconfig" - source "board/freescale/imx8mm_val/Kconfig" -+source "board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig" - - endif diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig deleted file mode 100644 index 4daaf23..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Kconfig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -if TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8 - -config SYS_BOARD - default "cl-imx8" - -config SYS_VENDOR - default "rvphone" - -config SYS_CONFIG_NAME - default "cl-imx8" - -choice - prompt "RAM Volume select" - default RAM_2G - help - This option configures 2G RAM only - -config RAM_1G - bool "RAM_1G" - help - This option configures 1G RAM only - -config RAM_2G - bool "RAM_2G" - help - This option configures 2G RAM only - -endchoice - -endif diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Makefile b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 30eb144..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -# -# Copyright 2017 CompuLab LTD. -# -# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ -# -ccflags-y += -I../../freescale - -obj-y += common.o -obj-y += ../../freescale/common/mmc.o -obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_PMIC_PFUZE100) += ../../freescale/common/pfuze.o -obj-$(CONFIG_POWER_PFUZE100) += ../../freescale/common/pfuze.o - -ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD -obj-y += spl.o ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.o ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.o -else -obj-y += cl-imx8.o -endif diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/cl-imx8.c b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/cl-imx8.c deleted file mode 100644 index b728bc7..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/cl-imx8.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2018 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../../freescale/common/pfuze.h" - -#include "common.h" - -DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; - -#ifdef CONFIG_BOARD_POSTCLK_INIT -int board_postclk_init(void) -{ - /* TODO */ - return 0; -} -#endif - -static phys_size_t imx8_ddr_size(void) -{ - unsigned long mem = 0x3d400000; - unsigned long value = readl(mem+0x200); - phys_size_t dram_size = 0x40000000;; - - switch (value) { - case 0x1f: - dram_size = 0x40000000; - break; - case 0x16: - dram_size = 0x80000000; - break; - case 0x17: - /* dram_size = 0x100000000;*/ - /* reports 3G only, if reports above then gets crashed */ - dram_size = 0xc0000000; - break; - default: - break; - }; - return dram_size; -} - -int dram_init(void) -{ - gd->ram_size = imx8_ddr_size(); - return 0; -} - -void _dram_init_banksize(void) - -{ - gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM; - gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = imx8_ddr_size(); -} - -phys_size_t get_effective_memsize(void) -{ - phys_size_t dram_size = imx8_ddr_size(); - if (dram_size > 0x80000000) - return 0x80000000; - - return dram_size; -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_OF_BOARD_SETUP -int ft_board_setup(void *blob, bd_t *bd) -{ - return 0; -} -#endif - -static iomux_v3_cfg_t const usbmux_pads[] = { - IMX8MQ_PAD_GPIO1_IO04__GPIO1_IO4 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(NO_PAD_CTRL), -}; - -static void setup_iomux_usbmux(void) -{ - imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(usbmux_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usbmux_pads)); - - gpio_request(IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 4), "usb_mux"); - gpio_direction_output(IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 4), 0); -} - -static void setup_usbmux(void) -{ - setup_iomux_usbmux(); -} - -int board_init(void) -{ - setup_usbmux(); - - return 0; -} - -int board_mmc_get_env_dev(int devno) -{ - const char *s = env_get("atp"); - if (s != NULL) { - printf("ATP Mode: Save environmet on eMMC\n"); - return CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV; - } - return devno; -} - -int board_late_init(void) -{ - -#ifdef CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC - board_late_mmc_env_init(); -#endif - - return 0; -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_FSL_FASTBOOT -#ifdef CONFIG_ANDROID_RECOVERY -int is_recovery_key_pressing(void) -{ - return 0; /*TODO*/ -} -#endif /*CONFIG_ANDROID_RECOVERY*/ -#endif /*CONFIG_FSL_FASTBOOT*/ diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.c b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.c deleted file mode 100644 index d3a8f3f..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -#include "common.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include - -void set_wdog_reset(struct wdog_regs *wdog); - -#define WDOG_PAD_CTRL (PAD_CTL_DSE6 | PAD_CTL_HYS | PAD_CTL_PUE) - -static iomux_v3_cfg_t const wdog_pads[] = { - IMX8MQ_PAD_GPIO1_IO02__WDOG1_WDOG_B | MUX_PAD_CTRL(WDOG_PAD_CTRL), -}; - -#define UART_PAD_CTRL (PAD_CTL_DSE6 | PAD_CTL_FSEL1) - -static iomux_v3_cfg_t const uart_pads[] = { - IMX8MQ_PAD_UART3_RXD__UART3_RX | MUX_PAD_CTRL(UART_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_UART3_TXD__UART3_TX | MUX_PAD_CTRL(UART_PAD_CTRL), -}; - -int board_early_init_f(void) -{ - struct wdog_regs *wdog = (struct wdog_regs *)WDOG1_BASE_ADDR; - - imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(wdog_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(wdog_pads)); - - set_wdog_reset(wdog); - - imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(uart_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(uart_pads)); - - return 0; -} diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.h b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.h deleted file mode 100644 index d70f78c..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/common.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef __CL_IMX8_COMMON_H__ -#define __CL_IMX8_COMMON_H__ - -#include - -int board_early_init_f(void); - -#define I2C_PAD_CTRL (PAD_CTL_DSE6 | PAD_CTL_HYS | PAD_CTL_PUE) -#define PC MUX_PAD_CTRL(I2C_PAD_CTRL) - -#endif /* __CL_IMX8_COMMON_H__ */ diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/ddr.h b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/ddr.h deleted file mode 100644 index f52c93e..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/ddr.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2017 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - */ - -#ifndef __DDR_H__ -#define __DDR_H__ - -extern struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_2g; -extern struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_1g; -void ddr_init(struct dram_timing_info *dram_timing); - -#endif diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.c b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4b2cd0f..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_1g.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1733 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2018 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - * - * Generated code from MX8M_DDR_tool - * Align with uboot-imx_v2018.03_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga - */ - -#include -#include - -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrc_cfg[] = { - /** Initialize DDRC registers **/ - {0x3d400304,0x1}, - {0x3d400030,0x1}, - {0x3d400000,0xa1080020}, - {0x3d400028,0x0}, - {0x3d400020,0x203}, - {0x3d400024,0x3e800}, - {0x3d400064,0x610090}, - {0x3d4000d0,0xc003061c}, - {0x3d4000d4,0x9e0000}, - {0x3d4000dc,0xd4002d}, - {0x3d4000e0,0x310008}, - {0x3d4000e8,0x66004a}, - {0x3d4000ec,0x16004a}, - {0x3d400100,0x1a201b22}, - {0x3d400104,0x60633}, - {0x3d40010c,0xc0c000}, - {0x3d400110,0xf04080f}, - {0x3d400114,0x2040c0c}, - {0x3d400118,0x1010007}, - {0x3d40011c,0x401}, - {0x3d400130,0x20600}, - {0x3d400134,0xc100002}, - {0x3d400138,0x96}, - {0x3d400144,0xa00050}, - {0x3d400180,0xc3200018}, - {0x3d400184,0x28061a8}, - {0x3d400188,0x0}, - {0x3d400190,0x497820a}, - {0x3d400194,0x80303}, - {0x3d4001a0,0xe0400018}, - {0x3d4001a4,0xdf00e4}, - {0x3d4001a8,0x80000000}, - {0x3d4001b0,0x11}, - {0x3d4001b4,0x170a}, - {0x3d4001c0,0x1}, - {0x3d4001c4,0x1}, - {0x3d4000f4,0x639}, - {0x3d400108,0x70e1617}, - {0x3d400200,0x1f}, - {0x3d40020c,0x0}, - {0x3d400210,0x1f1f}, - {0x3d400204,0x80808}, - {0x3d400214,0x7070707}, - {0x3d400218,0xf070707}, - {0x3d402020,0x1}, - {0x3d402024,0xd0c0}, - {0x3d402050,0x20d040}, - {0x3d402064,0x14001f}, - {0x3d4020dc,0x940009}, - {0x3d4020e0,0x310000}, - {0x3d4020e8,0x66004a}, - {0x3d4020ec,0x16004a}, - {0x3d402100,0xb070508}, - {0x3d402104,0x3040b}, - {0x3d402108,0x305090c}, - {0x3d40210c,0x505000}, - {0x3d402110,0x4040204}, - {0x3d402114,0x2030303}, - {0x3d402118,0x1010004}, - {0x3d40211c,0x301}, - {0x3d402130,0x20300}, - {0x3d402134,0xa100002}, - {0x3d402138,0x20}, - {0x3d402144,0x220011}, - {0x3d402180,0xc0a70006}, - {0x3d402190,0x3858202}, - {0x3d402194,0x80303}, - {0x3d4021b4,0x502}, - {0x3d400244,0x0}, - {0x3d400250,0x29001505}, - {0x3d400254,0x2c}, - {0x3d40025c,0x5900575b}, - {0x3d400264,0x90000096}, - {0x3d40026c,0x1000012c}, - {0x3d400300,0x16}, - {0x3d400304,0x0}, - {0x3d40030c,0x0}, - {0x3d400320,0x1}, - {0x3d40036c,0x11}, - {0x3d400400,0x111}, - {0x3d400404,0x10f3}, - {0x3d400408,0x72ff}, - {0x3d400490,0x1}, - {0x3d400494,0xe00}, - {0x3d400498,0x62ffff}, - {0x3d40049c,0xe00}, - {0x3d4004a0,0xffff}, -}; - -/* PHY Initialize Configuration */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrphy_cfg[] = { - {0x100a0,0x0}, - {0x100a1,0x1}, - {0x100a2,0x2}, - {0x100a3,0x3}, - {0x100a4,0x4}, - {0x100a5,0x5}, - {0x100a6,0x6}, - {0x100a7,0x7}, - {0x110a0,0x2}, - {0x110a1,0x6}, - {0x110a2,0x4}, - {0x110a3,0x7}, - {0x110a4,0x5}, - {0x110a5,0x3}, - {0x110a6,0x0}, - {0x110a7,0x1}, - {0x120a0,0x0}, - {0x120a1,0x1}, - {0x120a2,0x2}, - {0x120a3,0x3}, - {0x120a4,0x4}, - {0x120a5,0x5}, - {0x120a6,0x6}, - {0x120a7,0x7}, - {0x130a0,0x1}, - {0x130a1,0x3}, - {0x130a2,0x4}, - {0x130a3,0x7}, - {0x130a4,0x6}, - {0x130a5,0x5}, - {0x130a6,0x0}, - {0x130a7,0x2}, - {0x20110,0x2}, - {0x20111,0x3}, - {0x20112,0x4}, - {0x20113,0x5}, - {0x20114,0x0}, - {0x20115,0x1}, - {0x1005f,0x1ff}, - {0x1015f,0x1ff}, - {0x1105f,0x1ff}, - {0x1115f,0x1ff}, - {0x1205f,0x1ff}, - {0x1215f,0x1ff}, - {0x1305f,0x1ff}, - {0x1315f,0x1ff}, - {0x11005f,0x1ff}, - {0x11015f,0x1ff}, - {0x11105f,0x1ff}, - {0x11115f,0x1ff}, - {0x11205f,0x1ff}, - {0x11215f,0x1ff}, - {0x11305f,0x1ff}, - {0x11315f,0x1ff}, - {0x55,0x1ff}, - {0x1055,0x1ff}, - {0x2055,0x1ff}, - {0x3055,0x1ff}, - {0x4055,0x1ff}, - {0x5055,0x1ff}, - {0x6055,0x1ff}, - {0x7055,0x1ff}, - {0x8055,0x1ff}, - {0x9055,0x1ff}, - {0x200c5,0x19}, - {0x1200c5,0x7}, - {0x2002e,0x2}, - {0x12002e,0x1}, - {0x90204,0x0}, - {0x190204,0x0}, - {0x20024,0x1ab}, - {0x2003a,0x0}, - {0x120024,0x1ab}, - {0x2003a,0x0}, - {0x20056,0x3}, - {0x120056,0xa}, - {0x1004d,0xe00}, - {0x1014d,0xe00}, - {0x1104d,0xe00}, - {0x1114d,0xe00}, - {0x1204d,0xe00}, - {0x1214d,0xe00}, - {0x1304d,0xe00}, - {0x1314d,0xe00}, - {0x11004d,0xe00}, - {0x11014d,0xe00}, - {0x11104d,0xe00}, - {0x11114d,0xe00}, - {0x11204d,0xe00}, - {0x11214d,0xe00}, - {0x11304d,0xe00}, - {0x11314d,0xe00}, - {0x10049,0xeba}, - {0x10149,0xeba}, - {0x11049,0xeba}, - {0x11149,0xeba}, - {0x12049,0xeba}, - {0x12149,0xeba}, - {0x13049,0xeba}, - {0x13149,0xeba}, - {0x110049,0xeba}, - {0x110149,0xeba}, - {0x111049,0xeba}, - {0x111149,0xeba}, - {0x112049,0xeba}, - {0x112149,0xeba}, - {0x113049,0xeba}, - {0x113149,0xeba}, - {0x43,0x63}, - {0x1043,0x63}, - {0x2043,0x63}, - {0x3043,0x63}, - {0x4043,0x63}, - {0x5043,0x63}, - {0x6043,0x63}, - {0x7043,0x63}, - {0x8043,0x63}, - {0x9043,0x63}, - {0x20018,0x3}, - {0x20075,0x4}, - {0x20050,0x0}, - {0x20008,0x320}, - {0x120008,0xa7}, - {0x20088,0x9}, - {0x200b2,0xdc}, - {0x10043,0x5a1}, - {0x10143,0x5a1}, - {0x11043,0x5a1}, - {0x11143,0x5a1}, - {0x12043,0x5a1}, - {0x12143,0x5a1}, - {0x13043,0x5a1}, - {0x13143,0x5a1}, - {0x1200b2,0xdc}, - {0x110043,0x5a1}, - {0x110143,0x5a1}, - {0x111043,0x5a1}, - {0x111143,0x5a1}, - {0x112043,0x5a1}, - {0x112143,0x5a1}, - {0x113043,0x5a1}, - {0x113143,0x5a1}, - {0x200fa,0x1}, - {0x1200fa,0x1}, - {0x20019,0x1}, - {0x120019,0x1}, - {0x200f0,0x0}, - {0x200f1,0x0}, - {0x200f2,0x4444}, - {0x200f3,0x8888}, - {0x200f4,0x5555}, - {0x200f5,0x0}, - {0x200f6,0x0}, - {0x200f7,0xf000}, - {0x20025,0x0}, - {0x2002d,0x0}, - {0x12002d,0x0}, - {0x200c7,0x80}, - {0x1200c7,0x80}, - {0x200ca,0x106}, - {0x1200ca,0x106}, -}; - -/* ddr phy trained csr */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr[] = { - { 0x200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x1200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x2200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x200cb, 0x0 }, - { 0x10043, 0x0 }, - { 0x110043, 0x0 }, - { 0x210043, 0x0 }, - { 0x10143, 0x0 }, - { 0x110143, 0x0 }, - { 0x210143, 0x0 }, - { 0x11043, 0x0 }, - { 0x111043, 0x0 }, - { 0x211043, 0x0 }, - { 0x11143, 0x0 }, - { 0x111143, 0x0 }, - { 0x211143, 0x0 }, - { 0x12043, 0x0 }, - { 0x112043, 0x0 }, - { 0x212043, 0x0 }, - { 0x12143, 0x0 }, - { 0x112143, 0x0 }, - { 0x212143, 0x0 }, - { 0x13043, 0x0 }, - { 0x113043, 0x0 }, - { 0x213043, 0x0 }, - { 0x13143, 0x0 }, - { 0x113143, 0x0 }, - { 0x213143, 0x0 }, - { 0x80, 0x0 }, - { 0x100080, 0x0 }, - { 0x200080, 0x0 }, - { 0x1080, 0x0 }, - { 0x101080, 0x0 }, - { 0x201080, 0x0 }, - { 0x2080, 0x0 }, - { 0x102080, 0x0 }, - { 0x202080, 0x0 }, - { 0x3080, 0x0 }, - { 0x103080, 0x0 }, - { 0x203080, 0x0 }, - { 0x4080, 0x0 }, - { 0x104080, 0x0 }, - { 0x204080, 0x0 }, - { 0x5080, 0x0 }, - { 0x105080, 0x0 }, - { 0x205080, 0x0 }, - { 0x6080, 0x0 }, - { 0x106080, 0x0 }, - { 0x206080, 0x0 }, - { 0x7080, 0x0 }, - { 0x107080, 0x0 }, - { 0x207080, 0x0 }, - { 0x8080, 0x0 }, - { 0x108080, 0x0 }, - { 0x208080, 0x0 }, - { 0x9080, 0x0 }, - { 0x109080, 0x0 }, - { 0x209080, 0x0 }, - { 0x10080, 0x0 }, - { 0x110080, 0x0 }, - { 0x210080, 0x0 }, - { 0x10180, 0x0 }, - { 0x110180, 0x0 }, - { 0x210180, 0x0 }, - { 0x11080, 0x0 }, - { 0x111080, 0x0 }, - { 0x211080, 0x0 }, - { 0x11180, 0x0 }, - { 0x111180, 0x0 }, - { 0x211180, 0x0 }, - { 0x12080, 0x0 }, - { 0x112080, 0x0 }, - { 0x212080, 0x0 }, - { 0x12180, 0x0 }, - { 0x112180, 0x0 }, - { 0x212180, 0x0 }, - { 0x13080, 0x0 }, - { 0x113080, 0x0 }, - { 0x213080, 0x0 }, - { 0x13180, 0x0 }, - { 0x113180, 0x0 }, - { 0x213180, 0x0 }, - { 0x10081, 0x0 }, - { 0x110081, 0x0 }, - { 0x210081, 0x0 }, - { 0x10181, 0x0 }, - { 0x110181, 0x0 }, - { 0x210181, 0x0 }, - { 0x11081, 0x0 }, - { 0x111081, 0x0 }, - { 0x211081, 0x0 }, - { 0x11181, 0x0 }, - { 0x111181, 0x0 }, - { 0x211181, 0x0 }, - { 0x12081, 0x0 }, - { 0x112081, 0x0 }, - { 0x212081, 0x0 }, - { 0x12181, 0x0 }, - { 0x112181, 0x0 }, - { 0x212181, 0x0 }, - { 0x13081, 0x0 }, - { 0x113081, 0x0 }, - { 0x213081, 0x0 }, - { 0x13181, 0x0 }, - { 0x113181, 0x0 }, - { 0x213181, 0x0 }, - { 0x100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x10068, 0x0 }, - { 0x10168, 0x0 }, - { 0x10268, 0x0 }, - { 0x10368, 0x0 }, - { 0x10468, 0x0 }, - { 0x10568, 0x0 }, - { 0x10668, 0x0 }, - { 0x10768, 0x0 }, - { 0x10868, 0x0 }, - { 0x11068, 0x0 }, - { 0x11168, 0x0 }, - { 0x11268, 0x0 }, - { 0x11368, 0x0 }, - { 0x11468, 0x0 }, - { 0x11568, 0x0 }, - { 0x11668, 0x0 }, - { 0x11768, 0x0 }, - { 0x11868, 0x0 }, - { 0x12068, 0x0 }, - { 0x12168, 0x0 }, - { 0x12268, 0x0 }, - { 0x12368, 0x0 }, - { 0x12468, 0x0 }, - { 0x12568, 0x0 }, - { 0x12668, 0x0 }, - { 0x12768, 0x0 }, - { 0x12868, 0x0 }, - { 0x13068, 0x0 }, - { 0x13168, 0x0 }, - { 0x13268, 0x0 }, - { 0x13368, 0x0 }, - { 0x13468, 0x0 }, - { 0x13568, 0x0 }, - { 0x13668, 0x0 }, - { 0x13768, 0x0 }, - { 0x13868, 0x0 }, - { 0x10069, 0x0 }, - { 0x10169, 0x0 }, - { 0x10269, 0x0 }, - { 0x10369, 0x0 }, - { 0x10469, 0x0 }, - { 0x10569, 0x0 }, - { 0x10669, 0x0 }, - { 0x10769, 0x0 }, - { 0x10869, 0x0 }, - { 0x11069, 0x0 }, - { 0x11169, 0x0 }, - { 0x11269, 0x0 }, - { 0x11369, 0x0 }, - { 0x11469, 0x0 }, - { 0x11569, 0x0 }, - { 0x11669, 0x0 }, - { 0x11769, 0x0 }, - { 0x11869, 0x0 }, - { 0x12069, 0x0 }, - { 0x12169, 0x0 }, - { 0x12269, 0x0 }, - { 0x12369, 0x0 }, - { 0x12469, 0x0 }, - { 0x12569, 0x0 }, - { 0x12669, 0x0 }, - { 0x12769, 0x0 }, - { 0x12869, 0x0 }, - { 0x13069, 0x0 }, - { 0x13169, 0x0 }, - { 0x13269, 0x0 }, - { 0x13369, 0x0 }, - { 0x13469, 0x0 }, - { 0x13569, 0x0 }, - { 0x13669, 0x0 }, - { 0x13769, 0x0 }, - { 0x13869, 0x0 }, - { 0x1008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x10020, 0x0 }, - { 0x110020, 0x0 }, - { 0x210020, 0x0 }, - { 0x11020, 0x0 }, - { 0x111020, 0x0 }, - { 0x211020, 0x0 }, - { 0x12020, 0x0 }, - { 0x112020, 0x0 }, - { 0x212020, 0x0 }, - { 0x13020, 0x0 }, - { 0x113020, 0x0 }, - { 0x213020, 0x0 }, - { 0x20072, 0x0 }, - { 0x20073, 0x0 }, - { 0x20074, 0x0 }, - { 0x100aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x110aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x120aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x130aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x20010, 0x0 }, - { 0x120010, 0x0 }, - { 0x220010, 0x0 }, - { 0x20011, 0x0 }, - { 0x120011, 0x0 }, - { 0x220011, 0x0 }, - { 0x100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x20020, 0x0 }, - { 0x120020, 0x0 }, - { 0x220020, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x2007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x12007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x22007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x2007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x12007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x22007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x400fd, 0x0 }, - { 0x400c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x90201, 0x0 }, - { 0x190201, 0x0 }, - { 0x290201, 0x0 }, - { 0x90202, 0x0 }, - { 0x190202, 0x0 }, - { 0x290202, 0x0 }, - { 0x90203, 0x0 }, - { 0x190203, 0x0 }, - { 0x290203, 0x0 }, - { 0x90204, 0x0 }, - { 0x190204, 0x0 }, - { 0x290204, 0x0 }, - { 0x90205, 0x0 }, - { 0x190205, 0x0 }, - { 0x290205, 0x0 }, - { 0x90206, 0x0 }, - { 0x190206, 0x0 }, - { 0x290206, 0x0 }, - { 0x90207, 0x0 }, - { 0x190207, 0x0 }, - { 0x290207, 0x0 }, - { 0x90208, 0x0 }, - { 0x190208, 0x0 }, - { 0x290208, 0x0 }, - { 0x10062, 0x0 }, - { 0x10162, 0x0 }, - { 0x10262, 0x0 }, - { 0x10362, 0x0 }, - { 0x10462, 0x0 }, - { 0x10562, 0x0 }, - { 0x10662, 0x0 }, - { 0x10762, 0x0 }, - { 0x10862, 0x0 }, - { 0x11062, 0x0 }, - { 0x11162, 0x0 }, - { 0x11262, 0x0 }, - { 0x11362, 0x0 }, - { 0x11462, 0x0 }, - { 0x11562, 0x0 }, - { 0x11662, 0x0 }, - { 0x11762, 0x0 }, - { 0x11862, 0x0 }, - { 0x12062, 0x0 }, - { 0x12162, 0x0 }, - { 0x12262, 0x0 }, - { 0x12362, 0x0 }, - { 0x12462, 0x0 }, - { 0x12562, 0x0 }, - { 0x12662, 0x0 }, - { 0x12762, 0x0 }, - { 0x12862, 0x0 }, - { 0x13062, 0x0 }, - { 0x13162, 0x0 }, - { 0x13262, 0x0 }, - { 0x13362, 0x0 }, - { 0x13462, 0x0 }, - { 0x13562, 0x0 }, - { 0x13662, 0x0 }, - { 0x13762, 0x0 }, - { 0x13862, 0x0 }, - { 0x20077, 0x0 }, - { 0x10001, 0x0 }, - { 0x11001, 0x0 }, - { 0x12001, 0x0 }, - { 0x13001, 0x0 }, - { 0x10040, 0x0 }, - { 0x10140, 0x0 }, - { 0x10240, 0x0 }, - { 0x10340, 0x0 }, - { 0x10440, 0x0 }, - { 0x10540, 0x0 }, - { 0x10640, 0x0 }, - { 0x10740, 0x0 }, - { 0x10840, 0x0 }, - { 0x10030, 0x0 }, - { 0x10130, 0x0 }, - { 0x10230, 0x0 }, - { 0x10330, 0x0 }, - { 0x10430, 0x0 }, - { 0x10530, 0x0 }, - { 0x10630, 0x0 }, - { 0x10730, 0x0 }, - { 0x10830, 0x0 }, - { 0x11040, 0x0 }, - { 0x11140, 0x0 }, - { 0x11240, 0x0 }, - { 0x11340, 0x0 }, - { 0x11440, 0x0 }, - { 0x11540, 0x0 }, - { 0x11640, 0x0 }, - { 0x11740, 0x0 }, - { 0x11840, 0x0 }, - { 0x11030, 0x0 }, - { 0x11130, 0x0 }, - { 0x11230, 0x0 }, - { 0x11330, 0x0 }, - { 0x11430, 0x0 }, - { 0x11530, 0x0 }, - { 0x11630, 0x0 }, - { 0x11730, 0x0 }, - { 0x11830, 0x0 }, - { 0x12040, 0x0 }, - { 0x12140, 0x0 }, - { 0x12240, 0x0 }, - { 0x12340, 0x0 }, - { 0x12440, 0x0 }, - { 0x12540, 0x0 }, - { 0x12640, 0x0 }, - { 0x12740, 0x0 }, - { 0x12840, 0x0 }, - { 0x12030, 0x0 }, - { 0x12130, 0x0 }, - { 0x12230, 0x0 }, - { 0x12330, 0x0 }, - { 0x12430, 0x0 }, - { 0x12530, 0x0 }, - { 0x12630, 0x0 }, - { 0x12730, 0x0 }, - { 0x12830, 0x0 }, - { 0x13040, 0x0 }, - { 0x13140, 0x0 }, - { 0x13240, 0x0 }, - { 0x13340, 0x0 }, - { 0x13440, 0x0 }, - { 0x13540, 0x0 }, - { 0x13640, 0x0 }, - { 0x13740, 0x0 }, - { 0x13840, 0x0 }, - { 0x13030, 0x0 }, - { 0x13130, 0x0 }, - { 0x13230, 0x0 }, - { 0x13330, 0x0 }, - { 0x13430, 0x0 }, - { 0x13530, 0x0 }, - { 0x13630, 0x0 }, - { 0x13730, 0x0 }, - { 0x13830, 0x0 }, -}; -/* P0 message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp0_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54003,0xc80}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x131f}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400d,0x100}, - {0x54012,0x110}, - {0x54019,0x2dd4}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x2dd4}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x1}, - {0x54032,0xd400}, - {0x54033,0x312d}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0xd400}, - {0x54039,0x312d}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - {0xd0000, 0x1}, -}; - - -/* P1 message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp1_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54002,0x1}, - {0x54003,0x29c}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x121f}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400d,0x100}, - {0x54012,0x110}, - {0x54019,0x994}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x994}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x1}, - {0x54032,0x9400}, - {0x54033,0x3109}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0x9400}, - {0x54039,0x3109}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - {0xd0000, 0x1}, -}; - - -/* P0 2D message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54003,0xc80}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x61}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400f,0x100}, - {0x54010,0x1f7f}, - {0x54012,0x110}, - {0x54019,0x2dd4}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x2dd4}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x1}, - {0x54032,0xd400}, - {0x54033,0x312d}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0xd400}, - {0x54039,0x312d}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - { 0xd0000, 0x1 }, -}; - -/* DRAM PHY init engine image */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_phy_pie[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x90000,0x10}, - {0x90001,0x400}, - {0x90002,0x10e}, - {0x90003,0x0}, - {0x90004,0x0}, - {0x90005,0x8}, - {0x90029,0xb}, - {0x9002a,0x480}, - {0x9002b,0x109}, - {0x9002c,0x8}, - {0x9002d,0x448}, - {0x9002e,0x139}, - {0x9002f,0x8}, - {0x90030,0x478}, - {0x90031,0x109}, - {0x90032,0x0}, - {0x90033,0xe8}, - {0x90034,0x109}, - {0x90035,0x2}, - {0x90036,0x10}, - {0x90037,0x139}, - {0x90038,0xf}, - {0x90039,0x7c0}, - {0x9003a,0x139}, - {0x9003b,0x44}, - {0x9003c,0x630}, - {0x9003d,0x159}, - {0x9003e,0x14f}, - {0x9003f,0x630}, - {0x90040,0x159}, - {0x90041,0x47}, - {0x90042,0x630}, - {0x90043,0x149}, - {0x90044,0x4f}, - {0x90045,0x630}, - {0x90046,0x179}, - {0x90047,0x8}, - {0x90048,0xe0}, - {0x90049,0x109}, - {0x9004a,0x0}, - {0x9004b,0x7c8}, - {0x9004c,0x109}, - {0x9004d,0x0}, - {0x9004e,0x1}, - {0x9004f,0x8}, - {0x90050,0x0}, - {0x90051,0x45a}, - {0x90052,0x9}, - {0x90053,0x0}, - {0x90054,0x448}, - {0x90055,0x109}, - {0x90056,0x40}, - {0x90057,0x630}, - {0x90058,0x179}, - {0x90059,0x1}, - {0x9005a,0x618}, - {0x9005b,0x109}, - {0x9005c,0x40c0}, - {0x9005d,0x630}, - {0x9005e,0x149}, - {0x9005f,0x8}, - {0x90060,0x4}, - {0x90061,0x48}, - {0x90062,0x4040}, - {0x90063,0x630}, - {0x90064,0x149}, - {0x90065,0x0}, - {0x90066,0x4}, - {0x90067,0x48}, - {0x90068,0x40}, - {0x90069,0x630}, - {0x9006a,0x149}, - {0x9006b,0x10}, - {0x9006c,0x4}, - {0x9006d,0x18}, - {0x9006e,0x0}, - {0x9006f,0x4}, - {0x90070,0x78}, - {0x90071,0x549}, - {0x90072,0x630}, - {0x90073,0x159}, - {0x90074,0xd49}, - {0x90075,0x630}, - {0x90076,0x159}, - {0x90077,0x94a}, - {0x90078,0x630}, - {0x90079,0x159}, - {0x9007a,0x441}, - {0x9007b,0x630}, - {0x9007c,0x149}, - {0x9007d,0x42}, - {0x9007e,0x630}, - {0x9007f,0x149}, - {0x90080,0x1}, - {0x90081,0x630}, - {0x90082,0x149}, - {0x90083,0x0}, - {0x90084,0xe0}, - {0x90085,0x109}, - {0x90086,0xa}, - {0x90087,0x10}, - {0x90088,0x109}, - {0x90089,0x9}, - {0x9008a,0x3c0}, - {0x9008b,0x149}, - {0x9008c,0x9}, - {0x9008d,0x3c0}, - {0x9008e,0x159}, - {0x9008f,0x18}, - {0x90090,0x10}, - {0x90091,0x109}, - {0x90092,0x0}, - {0x90093,0x3c0}, - {0x90094,0x109}, - {0x90095,0x18}, - {0x90096,0x4}, - {0x90097,0x48}, - {0x90098,0x18}, - {0x90099,0x4}, - {0x9009a,0x58}, - {0x9009b,0xa}, - {0x9009c,0x10}, - {0x9009d,0x109}, - {0x9009e,0x2}, - {0x9009f,0x10}, - {0x900a0,0x109}, - {0x900a1,0x5}, - {0x900a2,0x7c0}, - {0x900a3,0x109}, - {0x900a4,0x10}, - {0x900a5,0x10}, - {0x900a6,0x109}, - {0x40000,0x811}, - {0x40020,0x880}, - {0x40040,0x0}, - {0x40060,0x0}, - {0x40001,0x4008}, - {0x40021,0x83}, - {0x40041,0x4f}, - {0x40061,0x0}, - {0x40002,0x4040}, - {0x40022,0x83}, - {0x40042,0x51}, - {0x40062,0x0}, - {0x40003,0x811}, - {0x40023,0x880}, - {0x40043,0x0}, - {0x40063,0x0}, - {0x40004,0x720}, - {0x40024,0xf}, - {0x40044,0x1740}, - {0x40064,0x0}, - {0x40005,0x16}, - {0x40025,0x83}, - {0x40045,0x4b}, - {0x40065,0x0}, - {0x40006,0x716}, - {0x40026,0xf}, - {0x40046,0x2001}, - {0x40066,0x0}, - {0x40007,0x716}, - {0x40027,0xf}, - {0x40047,0x2800}, - {0x40067,0x0}, - {0x40008,0x716}, - {0x40028,0xf}, - {0x40048,0xf00}, - {0x40068,0x0}, - {0x40009,0x720}, - {0x40029,0xf}, - {0x40049,0x1400}, - {0x40069,0x0}, - {0x4000a,0xe08}, - {0x4002a,0xc15}, - {0x4004a,0x0}, - {0x4006a,0x0}, - {0x4000b,0x623}, - {0x4002b,0x15}, - {0x4004b,0x0}, - {0x4006b,0x0}, - {0x4000c,0x4028}, - {0x4002c,0x80}, - {0x4004c,0x0}, - {0x4006c,0x0}, - {0x4000d,0xe08}, - {0x4002d,0xc1a}, - {0x4004d,0x0}, - {0x4006d,0x0}, - {0x4000e,0x623}, - {0x4002e,0x1a}, - {0x4004e,0x0}, - {0x4006e,0x0}, - {0x4000f,0x4040}, - {0x4002f,0x80}, - {0x4004f,0x0}, - {0x4006f,0x0}, - {0x40010,0x2604}, - {0x40030,0x15}, - {0x40050,0x0}, - {0x40070,0x0}, - {0x40011,0x708}, - {0x40031,0x5}, - {0x40051,0x0}, - {0x40071,0x2002}, - {0x40012,0x8}, - {0x40032,0x80}, - {0x40052,0x0}, - {0x40072,0x0}, - {0x40013,0x2604}, - {0x40033,0x1a}, - {0x40053,0x0}, - {0x40073,0x0}, - {0x40014,0x708}, - {0x40034,0xa}, - {0x40054,0x0}, - {0x40074,0x2002}, - {0x40015,0x4040}, - {0x40035,0x80}, - {0x40055,0x0}, - {0x40075,0x0}, - {0x40016,0x60a}, - {0x40036,0x15}, - {0x40056,0x1200}, - {0x40076,0x0}, - {0x40017,0x61a}, - {0x40037,0x15}, - {0x40057,0x1300}, - {0x40077,0x0}, - {0x40018,0x60a}, - {0x40038,0x1a}, - {0x40058,0x1200}, - {0x40078,0x0}, - {0x40019,0x642}, - {0x40039,0x1a}, - {0x40059,0x1300}, - {0x40079,0x0}, - {0x4001a,0x4808}, - {0x4003a,0x880}, - {0x4005a,0x0}, - {0x4007a,0x0}, - {0x900a7,0x0}, - {0x900a8,0x790}, - {0x900a9,0x11a}, - {0x900aa,0x8}, - {0x900ab,0x7aa}, - {0x900ac,0x2a}, - {0x900ad,0x10}, - {0x900ae,0x7b2}, - {0x900af,0x2a}, - {0x900b0,0x0}, - {0x900b1,0x7c8}, - {0x900b2,0x109}, - {0x900b3,0x10}, - {0x900b4,0x2a8}, - {0x900b5,0x129}, - {0x900b6,0x8}, - {0x900b7,0x370}, - {0x900b8,0x129}, - {0x900b9,0xa}, - {0x900ba,0x3c8}, - {0x900bb,0x1a9}, - {0x900bc,0xc}, - {0x900bd,0x408}, - {0x900be,0x199}, - {0x900bf,0x14}, - {0x900c0,0x790}, - {0x900c1,0x11a}, - {0x900c2,0x8}, - {0x900c3,0x4}, - {0x900c4,0x18}, - {0x900c5,0xe}, - {0x900c6,0x408}, - {0x900c7,0x199}, - {0x900c8,0x8}, - {0x900c9,0x8568}, - {0x900ca,0x108}, - {0x900cb,0x18}, - {0x900cc,0x790}, - {0x900cd,0x16a}, - {0x900ce,0x8}, - {0x900cf,0x1d8}, - {0x900d0,0x169}, - {0x900d1,0x10}, - {0x900d2,0x8558}, - {0x900d3,0x168}, - {0x900d4,0x70}, - {0x900d5,0x788}, - {0x900d6,0x16a}, - {0x900d7,0x1ff8}, - {0x900d8,0x85a8}, - {0x900d9,0x1e8}, - {0x900da,0x50}, - {0x900db,0x798}, - {0x900dc,0x16a}, - {0x900dd,0x60}, - {0x900de,0x7a0}, - {0x900df,0x16a}, - {0x900e0,0x8}, - {0x900e1,0x8310}, - {0x900e2,0x168}, - {0x900e3,0x8}, - {0x900e4,0xa310}, - {0x900e5,0x168}, - {0x900e6,0xa}, - {0x900e7,0x408}, - {0x900e8,0x169}, - {0x900e9,0x6e}, - {0x900ea,0x0}, - {0x900eb,0x68}, - {0x900ec,0x0}, - {0x900ed,0x408}, - {0x900ee,0x169}, - {0x900ef,0x0}, - {0x900f0,0x8310}, - {0x900f1,0x168}, - {0x900f2,0x0}, - {0x900f3,0xa310}, - {0x900f4,0x168}, - {0x900f5,0x1ff8}, - {0x900f6,0x85a8}, - {0x900f7,0x1e8}, - {0x900f8,0x68}, - {0x900f9,0x798}, - {0x900fa,0x16a}, - {0x900fb,0x78}, - {0x900fc,0x7a0}, - {0x900fd,0x16a}, - {0x900fe,0x68}, - {0x900ff,0x790}, - {0x90100,0x16a}, - {0x90101,0x8}, - {0x90102,0x8b10}, - {0x90103,0x168}, - {0x90104,0x8}, - {0x90105,0xab10}, - {0x90106,0x168}, - {0x90107,0xa}, - {0x90108,0x408}, - {0x90109,0x169}, - {0x9010a,0x58}, - {0x9010b,0x0}, - {0x9010c,0x68}, - {0x9010d,0x0}, - {0x9010e,0x408}, - {0x9010f,0x169}, - {0x90110,0x0}, - {0x90111,0x8b10}, - {0x90112,0x168}, - {0x90113,0x0}, - {0x90114,0xab10}, - {0x90115,0x168}, - {0x90116,0x0}, - {0x90117,0x1d8}, - {0x90118,0x169}, - {0x90119,0x80}, - {0x9011a,0x790}, - {0x9011b,0x16a}, - {0x9011c,0x18}, - {0x9011d,0x7aa}, - {0x9011e,0x6a}, - {0x9011f,0xa}, - {0x90120,0x0}, - {0x90121,0x1e9}, - {0x90122,0x8}, - {0x90123,0x8080}, - {0x90124,0x108}, - {0x90125,0xf}, - {0x90126,0x408}, - {0x90127,0x169}, - {0x90128,0xc}, - {0x90129,0x0}, - {0x9012a,0x68}, - {0x9012b,0x9}, - {0x9012c,0x0}, - {0x9012d,0x1a9}, - {0x9012e,0x0}, - {0x9012f,0x408}, - {0x90130,0x169}, - {0x90131,0x0}, - {0x90132,0x8080}, - {0x90133,0x108}, - {0x90134,0x8}, - {0x90135,0x7aa}, - {0x90136,0x6a}, - {0x90137,0x0}, - {0x90138,0x8568}, - {0x90139,0x108}, - {0x9013a,0xb7}, - {0x9013b,0x790}, - {0x9013c,0x16a}, - {0x9013d,0x1f}, - {0x9013e,0x0}, - {0x9013f,0x68}, - {0x90140,0x8}, - {0x90141,0x8558}, - {0x90142,0x168}, - {0x90143,0xf}, - {0x90144,0x408}, - {0x90145,0x169}, - {0x90146,0xc}, - {0x90147,0x0}, - {0x90148,0x68}, - {0x90149,0x0}, - {0x9014a,0x408}, - {0x9014b,0x169}, - {0x9014c,0x0}, - {0x9014d,0x8558}, - {0x9014e,0x168}, - {0x9014f,0x8}, - {0x90150,0x3c8}, - {0x90151,0x1a9}, - {0x90152,0x3}, - {0x90153,0x370}, - {0x90154,0x129}, - {0x90155,0x20}, - {0x90156,0x2aa}, - {0x90157,0x9}, - {0x90158,0x0}, - {0x90159,0x400}, - {0x9015a,0x10e}, - {0x9015b,0x8}, - {0x9015c,0xe8}, - {0x9015d,0x109}, - {0x9015e,0x0}, - {0x9015f,0x8140}, - {0x90160,0x10c}, - {0x90161,0x10}, - {0x90162,0x8138}, - {0x90163,0x10c}, - {0x90164,0x8}, - {0x90165,0x7c8}, - {0x90166,0x101}, - {0x90167,0x8}, - {0x90168,0x0}, - {0x90169,0x8}, - {0x9016a,0x8}, - {0x9016b,0x448}, - {0x9016c,0x109}, - {0x9016d,0xf}, - {0x9016e,0x7c0}, - {0x9016f,0x109}, - {0x90170,0x0}, - {0x90171,0xe8}, - {0x90172,0x109}, - {0x90173,0x47}, - {0x90174,0x630}, - {0x90175,0x109}, - {0x90176,0x8}, - {0x90177,0x618}, - {0x90178,0x109}, - {0x90179,0x8}, - {0x9017a,0xe0}, - {0x9017b,0x109}, - {0x9017c,0x0}, - {0x9017d,0x7c8}, - {0x9017e,0x109}, - {0x9017f,0x8}, - {0x90180,0x8140}, - {0x90181,0x10c}, - {0x90182,0x0}, - {0x90183,0x1}, - {0x90184,0x8}, - {0x90185,0x8}, - {0x90186,0x4}, - {0x90187,0x8}, - {0x90188,0x8}, - {0x90189,0x7c8}, - {0x9018a,0x101}, - {0x90006,0x0}, - {0x90007,0x0}, - {0x90008,0x8}, - {0x90009,0x0}, - {0x9000a,0x0}, - {0x9000b,0x0}, - {0xd00e7,0x400}, - {0x90017,0x0}, - {0x9001f,0x2a}, - {0x90026,0x6a}, - {0x400d0,0x0}, - {0x400d1,0x101}, - {0x400d2,0x105}, - {0x400d3,0x107}, - {0x400d4,0x10f}, - {0x400d5,0x202}, - {0x400d6,0x20a}, - {0x400d7,0x20b}, - {0x2003a,0x2}, - {0x2000b,0x64}, - {0x2000c,0xc8}, - {0x2000d,0x7d0}, - {0x2000e,0x2c}, - {0x12000b,0x14}, - {0x12000c,0x29}, - {0x12000d,0x1a1}, - {0x12000e,0x10}, - {0x9000c,0x0}, - {0x9000d,0x173}, - {0x9000e,0x60}, - {0x9000f,0x6110}, - {0x90010,0x2152}, - {0x90011,0xdfbd}, - {0x90012,0x60}, - {0x90013,0x6152}, - {0x20010,0x5a}, - {0x20011,0x3}, - {0x120010,0x5a}, - {0x120011,0x3}, - {0x40080,0xe0}, - {0x40081,0x12}, - {0x40082,0xe0}, - {0x40083,0x12}, - {0x40084,0xe0}, - {0x40085,0x12}, - {0x140080,0xe0}, - {0x140081,0x12}, - {0x140082,0xe0}, - {0x140083,0x12}, - {0x140084,0xe0}, - {0x140085,0x12}, - {0x400fd,0xf}, - {0x10011,0x1}, - {0x10012,0x1}, - {0x10013,0x180}, - {0x10018,0x1}, - {0x10002,0x6209}, - {0x100b2,0x1}, - {0x101b4,0x1}, - {0x102b4,0x1}, - {0x103b4,0x1}, - {0x104b4,0x1}, - {0x105b4,0x1}, - {0x106b4,0x1}, - {0x107b4,0x1}, - {0x108b4,0x1}, - {0x11011,0x1}, - {0x11012,0x1}, - {0x11013,0x180}, - {0x11018,0x1}, - {0x11002,0x6209}, - {0x110b2,0x1}, - {0x111b4,0x1}, - {0x112b4,0x1}, - {0x113b4,0x1}, - {0x114b4,0x1}, - {0x115b4,0x1}, - {0x116b4,0x1}, - {0x117b4,0x1}, - {0x118b4,0x1}, - {0x12011,0x1}, - {0x12012,0x1}, - {0x12013,0x180}, - {0x12018,0x1}, - {0x12002,0x6209}, - {0x120b2,0x1}, - {0x121b4,0x1}, - {0x122b4,0x1}, - {0x123b4,0x1}, - {0x124b4,0x1}, - {0x125b4,0x1}, - {0x126b4,0x1}, - {0x127b4,0x1}, - {0x128b4,0x1}, - {0x13011,0x1}, - {0x13012,0x1}, - {0x13013,0x180}, - {0x13018,0x1}, - {0x13002,0x6209}, - {0x130b2,0x1}, - {0x131b4,0x1}, - {0x132b4,0x1}, - {0x133b4,0x1}, - {0x134b4,0x1}, - {0x135b4,0x1}, - {0x136b4,0x1}, - {0x137b4,0x1}, - {0x138b4,0x1}, - {0x2003a,0x2}, - {0xc0080,0x2}, - {0xd0000, 0x1} -}; - -static struct dram_fsp_msg ddr_dram_fsp_msg[] = { - { - /* P0 3200mts 1D */ - .drate = 3200, - .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp0_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp0_cfg), - }, - { - /* P1 667mts 1D */ - .drate = 667, - .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp1_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp1_cfg), - }, - { - /* P0 3200mts 2D */ - .drate = 3200, - .fw_type = FW_2D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg), - }, -}; - -/* ddr timing config params */ -struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_1g = { - .ddrc_cfg = ddr_ddrc_cfg, - .ddrc_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrc_cfg), - .ddrphy_cfg = ddr_ddrphy_cfg, - .ddrphy_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrphy_cfg), - .fsp_msg = ddr_dram_fsp_msg, - .fsp_msg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_dram_fsp_msg), - .ddrphy_trained_csr = ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr, - .ddrphy_trained_csr_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr), - .ddrphy_pie = ddr_phy_pie, - .ddrphy_pie_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_phy_pie), - .fsp_table = { 3200, 667, }, -}; diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9173c57..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/ddr/lpddr4_timing_2g.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1733 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2018 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - * - * Generated code from MX8M_DDR_tool - * Align with uboot-imx_v2018.03_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga - */ - -#include -#include - -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrc_cfg[] = { - /** Initialize DDRC registers **/ - {0x3d400304,0x1}, - {0x3d400030,0x1}, - {0x3d400000,0xa3080020}, - {0x3d400028,0x0}, - {0x3d400020,0x203}, - {0x3d400024,0x3e800}, - {0x3d400064,0x6100e0}, - {0x3d4000d0,0xc003061c}, - {0x3d4000d4,0x9e0000}, - {0x3d4000dc,0xd4002d}, - {0x3d4000e0,0x310008}, - {0x3d4000e8,0x66004a}, - {0x3d4000ec,0x16004a}, - {0x3d400100,0x1a201b22}, - {0x3d400104,0x60633}, - {0x3d40010c,0xc0c000}, - {0x3d400110,0xf04080f}, - {0x3d400114,0x2040c0c}, - {0x3d400118,0x1010007}, - {0x3d40011c,0x401}, - {0x3d400130,0x20600}, - {0x3d400134,0xc100002}, - {0x3d400138,0xe6}, - {0x3d400144,0xa00050}, - {0x3d400180,0xc3200018}, - {0x3d400184,0x28061a8}, - {0x3d400188,0x0}, - {0x3d400190,0x497820a}, - {0x3d400194,0x80303}, - {0x3d4001a0,0xe0400018}, - {0x3d4001a4,0xdf00e4}, - {0x3d4001a8,0x80000000}, - {0x3d4001b0,0x11}, - {0x3d4001b4,0x170a}, - {0x3d4001c0,0x1}, - {0x3d4001c4,0x1}, - {0x3d4000f4,0x639}, - {0x3d400108,0x70e1617}, - {0x3d400200,0x16}, - {0x3d40020c,0x0}, - {0x3d400210,0x1f1f}, - {0x3d400204,0x80808}, - {0x3d400214,0x7070707}, - {0x3d400218,0xf070707}, - {0x3d402020,0x1}, - {0x3d402024,0xd0c0}, - {0x3d402050,0x20d040}, - {0x3d402064,0x14002f}, - {0x3d4020dc,0x940009}, - {0x3d4020e0,0x310000}, - {0x3d4020e8,0x66004a}, - {0x3d4020ec,0x16004a}, - {0x3d402100,0xb070508}, - {0x3d402104,0x3040b}, - {0x3d402108,0x305090c}, - {0x3d40210c,0x505000}, - {0x3d402110,0x4040204}, - {0x3d402114,0x2030303}, - {0x3d402118,0x1010004}, - {0x3d40211c,0x301}, - {0x3d402130,0x20300}, - {0x3d402134,0xa100002}, - {0x3d402138,0x31}, - {0x3d402144,0x220011}, - {0x3d402180,0xc0a70006}, - {0x3d402190,0x3858202}, - {0x3d402194,0x80303}, - {0x3d4021b4,0x502}, - {0x3d400244,0x0}, - {0x3d400250,0x29001505}, - {0x3d400254,0x2c}, - {0x3d40025c,0x5900575b}, - {0x3d400264,0x90000096}, - {0x3d40026c,0x1000012c}, - {0x3d400300,0x16}, - {0x3d400304,0x0}, - {0x3d40030c,0x0}, - {0x3d400320,0x1}, - {0x3d40036c,0x11}, - {0x3d400400,0x111}, - {0x3d400404,0x10f3}, - {0x3d400408,0x72ff}, - {0x3d400490,0x1}, - {0x3d400494,0xe00}, - {0x3d400498,0x62ffff}, - {0x3d40049c,0xe00}, - {0x3d4004a0,0xffff}, -}; - -/* PHY Initialize Configuration */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrphy_cfg[] = { - {0x100a0,0x0}, - {0x100a1,0x1}, - {0x100a2,0x2}, - {0x100a3,0x3}, - {0x100a4,0x4}, - {0x100a5,0x5}, - {0x100a6,0x6}, - {0x100a7,0x7}, - {0x110a0,0x2}, - {0x110a1,0x6}, - {0x110a2,0x4}, - {0x110a3,0x7}, - {0x110a4,0x5}, - {0x110a5,0x3}, - {0x110a6,0x0}, - {0x110a7,0x1}, - {0x120a0,0x0}, - {0x120a1,0x1}, - {0x120a2,0x2}, - {0x120a3,0x3}, - {0x120a4,0x4}, - {0x120a5,0x5}, - {0x120a6,0x6}, - {0x120a7,0x7}, - {0x130a0,0x1}, - {0x130a1,0x3}, - {0x130a2,0x4}, - {0x130a3,0x7}, - {0x130a4,0x6}, - {0x130a5,0x5}, - {0x130a6,0x0}, - {0x130a7,0x2}, - {0x20110,0x2}, - {0x20111,0x3}, - {0x20112,0x4}, - {0x20113,0x5}, - {0x20114,0x0}, - {0x20115,0x1}, - {0x1005f,0x1ff}, - {0x1015f,0x1ff}, - {0x1105f,0x1ff}, - {0x1115f,0x1ff}, - {0x1205f,0x1ff}, - {0x1215f,0x1ff}, - {0x1305f,0x1ff}, - {0x1315f,0x1ff}, - {0x11005f,0x1ff}, - {0x11015f,0x1ff}, - {0x11105f,0x1ff}, - {0x11115f,0x1ff}, - {0x11205f,0x1ff}, - {0x11215f,0x1ff}, - {0x11305f,0x1ff}, - {0x11315f,0x1ff}, - {0x55,0x1ff}, - {0x1055,0x1ff}, - {0x2055,0x1ff}, - {0x3055,0x1ff}, - {0x4055,0x1ff}, - {0x5055,0x1ff}, - {0x6055,0x1ff}, - {0x7055,0x1ff}, - {0x8055,0x1ff}, - {0x9055,0x1ff}, - {0x200c5,0x19}, - {0x1200c5,0x7}, - {0x2002e,0x2}, - {0x12002e,0x1}, - {0x90204,0x0}, - {0x190204,0x0}, - {0x20024,0x1ab}, - {0x2003a,0x0}, - {0x120024,0x1ab}, - {0x2003a,0x0}, - {0x20056,0x3}, - {0x120056,0xa}, - {0x1004d,0xe00}, - {0x1014d,0xe00}, - {0x1104d,0xe00}, - {0x1114d,0xe00}, - {0x1204d,0xe00}, - {0x1214d,0xe00}, - {0x1304d,0xe00}, - {0x1314d,0xe00}, - {0x11004d,0xe00}, - {0x11014d,0xe00}, - {0x11104d,0xe00}, - {0x11114d,0xe00}, - {0x11204d,0xe00}, - {0x11214d,0xe00}, - {0x11304d,0xe00}, - {0x11314d,0xe00}, - {0x10049,0xeba}, - {0x10149,0xeba}, - {0x11049,0xeba}, - {0x11149,0xeba}, - {0x12049,0xeba}, - {0x12149,0xeba}, - {0x13049,0xeba}, - {0x13149,0xeba}, - {0x110049,0xeba}, - {0x110149,0xeba}, - {0x111049,0xeba}, - {0x111149,0xeba}, - {0x112049,0xeba}, - {0x112149,0xeba}, - {0x113049,0xeba}, - {0x113149,0xeba}, - {0x43,0x63}, - {0x1043,0x63}, - {0x2043,0x63}, - {0x3043,0x63}, - {0x4043,0x63}, - {0x5043,0x63}, - {0x6043,0x63}, - {0x7043,0x63}, - {0x8043,0x63}, - {0x9043,0x63}, - {0x20018,0x3}, - {0x20075,0x4}, - {0x20050,0x0}, - {0x20008,0x320}, - {0x120008,0xa7}, - {0x20088,0x9}, - {0x200b2,0xdc}, - {0x10043,0x5a1}, - {0x10143,0x5a1}, - {0x11043,0x5a1}, - {0x11143,0x5a1}, - {0x12043,0x5a1}, - {0x12143,0x5a1}, - {0x13043,0x5a1}, - {0x13143,0x5a1}, - {0x1200b2,0xdc}, - {0x110043,0x5a1}, - {0x110143,0x5a1}, - {0x111043,0x5a1}, - {0x111143,0x5a1}, - {0x112043,0x5a1}, - {0x112143,0x5a1}, - {0x113043,0x5a1}, - {0x113143,0x5a1}, - {0x200fa,0x1}, - {0x1200fa,0x1}, - {0x20019,0x1}, - {0x120019,0x1}, - {0x200f0,0x0}, - {0x200f1,0x0}, - {0x200f2,0x4444}, - {0x200f3,0x8888}, - {0x200f4,0x5555}, - {0x200f5,0x0}, - {0x200f6,0x0}, - {0x200f7,0xf000}, - {0x20025,0x0}, - {0x2002d,0x0}, - {0x12002d,0x0}, - {0x200c7,0x80}, - {0x1200c7,0x80}, - {0x200ca,0x106}, - {0x1200ca,0x106}, -}; - -/* ddr phy trained csr */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr[] = { - { 0x200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x1200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x2200b2, 0x0 }, - { 0x200cb, 0x0 }, - { 0x10043, 0x0 }, - { 0x110043, 0x0 }, - { 0x210043, 0x0 }, - { 0x10143, 0x0 }, - { 0x110143, 0x0 }, - { 0x210143, 0x0 }, - { 0x11043, 0x0 }, - { 0x111043, 0x0 }, - { 0x211043, 0x0 }, - { 0x11143, 0x0 }, - { 0x111143, 0x0 }, - { 0x211143, 0x0 }, - { 0x12043, 0x0 }, - { 0x112043, 0x0 }, - { 0x212043, 0x0 }, - { 0x12143, 0x0 }, - { 0x112143, 0x0 }, - { 0x212143, 0x0 }, - { 0x13043, 0x0 }, - { 0x113043, 0x0 }, - { 0x213043, 0x0 }, - { 0x13143, 0x0 }, - { 0x113143, 0x0 }, - { 0x213143, 0x0 }, - { 0x80, 0x0 }, - { 0x100080, 0x0 }, - { 0x200080, 0x0 }, - { 0x1080, 0x0 }, - { 0x101080, 0x0 }, - { 0x201080, 0x0 }, - { 0x2080, 0x0 }, - { 0x102080, 0x0 }, - { 0x202080, 0x0 }, - { 0x3080, 0x0 }, - { 0x103080, 0x0 }, - { 0x203080, 0x0 }, - { 0x4080, 0x0 }, - { 0x104080, 0x0 }, - { 0x204080, 0x0 }, - { 0x5080, 0x0 }, - { 0x105080, 0x0 }, - { 0x205080, 0x0 }, - { 0x6080, 0x0 }, - { 0x106080, 0x0 }, - { 0x206080, 0x0 }, - { 0x7080, 0x0 }, - { 0x107080, 0x0 }, - { 0x207080, 0x0 }, - { 0x8080, 0x0 }, - { 0x108080, 0x0 }, - { 0x208080, 0x0 }, - { 0x9080, 0x0 }, - { 0x109080, 0x0 }, - { 0x209080, 0x0 }, - { 0x10080, 0x0 }, - { 0x110080, 0x0 }, - { 0x210080, 0x0 }, - { 0x10180, 0x0 }, - { 0x110180, 0x0 }, - { 0x210180, 0x0 }, - { 0x11080, 0x0 }, - { 0x111080, 0x0 }, - { 0x211080, 0x0 }, - { 0x11180, 0x0 }, - { 0x111180, 0x0 }, - { 0x211180, 0x0 }, - { 0x12080, 0x0 }, - { 0x112080, 0x0 }, - { 0x212080, 0x0 }, - { 0x12180, 0x0 }, - { 0x112180, 0x0 }, - { 0x212180, 0x0 }, - { 0x13080, 0x0 }, - { 0x113080, 0x0 }, - { 0x213080, 0x0 }, - { 0x13180, 0x0 }, - { 0x113180, 0x0 }, - { 0x213180, 0x0 }, - { 0x10081, 0x0 }, - { 0x110081, 0x0 }, - { 0x210081, 0x0 }, - { 0x10181, 0x0 }, - { 0x110181, 0x0 }, - { 0x210181, 0x0 }, - { 0x11081, 0x0 }, - { 0x111081, 0x0 }, - { 0x211081, 0x0 }, - { 0x11181, 0x0 }, - { 0x111181, 0x0 }, - { 0x211181, 0x0 }, - { 0x12081, 0x0 }, - { 0x112081, 0x0 }, - { 0x212081, 0x0 }, - { 0x12181, 0x0 }, - { 0x112181, 0x0 }, - { 0x212181, 0x0 }, - { 0x13081, 0x0 }, - { 0x113081, 0x0 }, - { 0x213081, 0x0 }, - { 0x13181, 0x0 }, - { 0x113181, 0x0 }, - { 0x213181, 0x0 }, - { 0x100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131d0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131d1, 0x0 }, - { 0x10068, 0x0 }, - { 0x10168, 0x0 }, - { 0x10268, 0x0 }, - { 0x10368, 0x0 }, - { 0x10468, 0x0 }, - { 0x10568, 0x0 }, - { 0x10668, 0x0 }, - { 0x10768, 0x0 }, - { 0x10868, 0x0 }, - { 0x11068, 0x0 }, - { 0x11168, 0x0 }, - { 0x11268, 0x0 }, - { 0x11368, 0x0 }, - { 0x11468, 0x0 }, - { 0x11568, 0x0 }, - { 0x11668, 0x0 }, - { 0x11768, 0x0 }, - { 0x11868, 0x0 }, - { 0x12068, 0x0 }, - { 0x12168, 0x0 }, - { 0x12268, 0x0 }, - { 0x12368, 0x0 }, - { 0x12468, 0x0 }, - { 0x12568, 0x0 }, - { 0x12668, 0x0 }, - { 0x12768, 0x0 }, - { 0x12868, 0x0 }, - { 0x13068, 0x0 }, - { 0x13168, 0x0 }, - { 0x13268, 0x0 }, - { 0x13368, 0x0 }, - { 0x13468, 0x0 }, - { 0x13568, 0x0 }, - { 0x13668, 0x0 }, - { 0x13768, 0x0 }, - { 0x13868, 0x0 }, - { 0x10069, 0x0 }, - { 0x10169, 0x0 }, - { 0x10269, 0x0 }, - { 0x10369, 0x0 }, - { 0x10469, 0x0 }, - { 0x10569, 0x0 }, - { 0x10669, 0x0 }, - { 0x10769, 0x0 }, - { 0x10869, 0x0 }, - { 0x11069, 0x0 }, - { 0x11169, 0x0 }, - { 0x11269, 0x0 }, - { 0x11369, 0x0 }, - { 0x11469, 0x0 }, - { 0x11569, 0x0 }, - { 0x11669, 0x0 }, - { 0x11769, 0x0 }, - { 0x11869, 0x0 }, - { 0x12069, 0x0 }, - { 0x12169, 0x0 }, - { 0x12269, 0x0 }, - { 0x12369, 0x0 }, - { 0x12469, 0x0 }, - { 0x12569, 0x0 }, - { 0x12669, 0x0 }, - { 0x12769, 0x0 }, - { 0x12869, 0x0 }, - { 0x13069, 0x0 }, - { 0x13169, 0x0 }, - { 0x13269, 0x0 }, - { 0x13369, 0x0 }, - { 0x13469, 0x0 }, - { 0x13569, 0x0 }, - { 0x13669, 0x0 }, - { 0x13769, 0x0 }, - { 0x13869, 0x0 }, - { 0x1008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21008c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21018c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21108c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21118c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21208c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21218c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21308c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x11318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x21318c, 0x0 }, - { 0x1008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21008d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21018d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21108d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21118d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21208d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21218d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21308d, 0x0 }, - { 0x1318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x11318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x21318d, 0x0 }, - { 0x100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2102c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2103c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2104c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2105c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2106c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2107c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2108c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2112c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2113c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2114c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2115c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2116c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2117c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2118c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2122c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2123c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2124c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2125c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2126c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2127c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2128c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2132c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2133c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2134c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2135c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2136c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2137c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x1138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x2138c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2101c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2102c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2103c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2104c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2105c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2106c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2107c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2108c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2111c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2112c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2113c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2114c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2115c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2116c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2117c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2118c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2121c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2122c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2123c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2124c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2125c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2126c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2127c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2128c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2131c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2132c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2133c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2134c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2135c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2136c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2137c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x1138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x2138c1, 0x0 }, - { 0x10020, 0x0 }, - { 0x110020, 0x0 }, - { 0x210020, 0x0 }, - { 0x11020, 0x0 }, - { 0x111020, 0x0 }, - { 0x211020, 0x0 }, - { 0x12020, 0x0 }, - { 0x112020, 0x0 }, - { 0x212020, 0x0 }, - { 0x13020, 0x0 }, - { 0x113020, 0x0 }, - { 0x213020, 0x0 }, - { 0x20072, 0x0 }, - { 0x20073, 0x0 }, - { 0x20074, 0x0 }, - { 0x100aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x110aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x120aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x130aa, 0x0 }, - { 0x20010, 0x0 }, - { 0x120010, 0x0 }, - { 0x220010, 0x0 }, - { 0x20011, 0x0 }, - { 0x120011, 0x0 }, - { 0x220011, 0x0 }, - { 0x100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2100af, 0x0 }, - { 0x110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2110af, 0x0 }, - { 0x120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2120af, 0x0 }, - { 0x130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130ae, 0x0 }, - { 0x130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x1130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x2130af, 0x0 }, - { 0x20020, 0x0 }, - { 0x120020, 0x0 }, - { 0x220020, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x100a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x110a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x120a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a0, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a1, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a2, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a3, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a4, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a5, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a6, 0x0 }, - { 0x130a7, 0x0 }, - { 0x2007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x12007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x22007c, 0x0 }, - { 0x2007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x12007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x22007d, 0x0 }, - { 0x400fd, 0x0 }, - { 0x400c0, 0x0 }, - { 0x90201, 0x0 }, - { 0x190201, 0x0 }, - { 0x290201, 0x0 }, - { 0x90202, 0x0 }, - { 0x190202, 0x0 }, - { 0x290202, 0x0 }, - { 0x90203, 0x0 }, - { 0x190203, 0x0 }, - { 0x290203, 0x0 }, - { 0x90204, 0x0 }, - { 0x190204, 0x0 }, - { 0x290204, 0x0 }, - { 0x90205, 0x0 }, - { 0x190205, 0x0 }, - { 0x290205, 0x0 }, - { 0x90206, 0x0 }, - { 0x190206, 0x0 }, - { 0x290206, 0x0 }, - { 0x90207, 0x0 }, - { 0x190207, 0x0 }, - { 0x290207, 0x0 }, - { 0x90208, 0x0 }, - { 0x190208, 0x0 }, - { 0x290208, 0x0 }, - { 0x10062, 0x0 }, - { 0x10162, 0x0 }, - { 0x10262, 0x0 }, - { 0x10362, 0x0 }, - { 0x10462, 0x0 }, - { 0x10562, 0x0 }, - { 0x10662, 0x0 }, - { 0x10762, 0x0 }, - { 0x10862, 0x0 }, - { 0x11062, 0x0 }, - { 0x11162, 0x0 }, - { 0x11262, 0x0 }, - { 0x11362, 0x0 }, - { 0x11462, 0x0 }, - { 0x11562, 0x0 }, - { 0x11662, 0x0 }, - { 0x11762, 0x0 }, - { 0x11862, 0x0 }, - { 0x12062, 0x0 }, - { 0x12162, 0x0 }, - { 0x12262, 0x0 }, - { 0x12362, 0x0 }, - { 0x12462, 0x0 }, - { 0x12562, 0x0 }, - { 0x12662, 0x0 }, - { 0x12762, 0x0 }, - { 0x12862, 0x0 }, - { 0x13062, 0x0 }, - { 0x13162, 0x0 }, - { 0x13262, 0x0 }, - { 0x13362, 0x0 }, - { 0x13462, 0x0 }, - { 0x13562, 0x0 }, - { 0x13662, 0x0 }, - { 0x13762, 0x0 }, - { 0x13862, 0x0 }, - { 0x20077, 0x0 }, - { 0x10001, 0x0 }, - { 0x11001, 0x0 }, - { 0x12001, 0x0 }, - { 0x13001, 0x0 }, - { 0x10040, 0x0 }, - { 0x10140, 0x0 }, - { 0x10240, 0x0 }, - { 0x10340, 0x0 }, - { 0x10440, 0x0 }, - { 0x10540, 0x0 }, - { 0x10640, 0x0 }, - { 0x10740, 0x0 }, - { 0x10840, 0x0 }, - { 0x10030, 0x0 }, - { 0x10130, 0x0 }, - { 0x10230, 0x0 }, - { 0x10330, 0x0 }, - { 0x10430, 0x0 }, - { 0x10530, 0x0 }, - { 0x10630, 0x0 }, - { 0x10730, 0x0 }, - { 0x10830, 0x0 }, - { 0x11040, 0x0 }, - { 0x11140, 0x0 }, - { 0x11240, 0x0 }, - { 0x11340, 0x0 }, - { 0x11440, 0x0 }, - { 0x11540, 0x0 }, - { 0x11640, 0x0 }, - { 0x11740, 0x0 }, - { 0x11840, 0x0 }, - { 0x11030, 0x0 }, - { 0x11130, 0x0 }, - { 0x11230, 0x0 }, - { 0x11330, 0x0 }, - { 0x11430, 0x0 }, - { 0x11530, 0x0 }, - { 0x11630, 0x0 }, - { 0x11730, 0x0 }, - { 0x11830, 0x0 }, - { 0x12040, 0x0 }, - { 0x12140, 0x0 }, - { 0x12240, 0x0 }, - { 0x12340, 0x0 }, - { 0x12440, 0x0 }, - { 0x12540, 0x0 }, - { 0x12640, 0x0 }, - { 0x12740, 0x0 }, - { 0x12840, 0x0 }, - { 0x12030, 0x0 }, - { 0x12130, 0x0 }, - { 0x12230, 0x0 }, - { 0x12330, 0x0 }, - { 0x12430, 0x0 }, - { 0x12530, 0x0 }, - { 0x12630, 0x0 }, - { 0x12730, 0x0 }, - { 0x12830, 0x0 }, - { 0x13040, 0x0 }, - { 0x13140, 0x0 }, - { 0x13240, 0x0 }, - { 0x13340, 0x0 }, - { 0x13440, 0x0 }, - { 0x13540, 0x0 }, - { 0x13640, 0x0 }, - { 0x13740, 0x0 }, - { 0x13840, 0x0 }, - { 0x13030, 0x0 }, - { 0x13130, 0x0 }, - { 0x13230, 0x0 }, - { 0x13330, 0x0 }, - { 0x13430, 0x0 }, - { 0x13530, 0x0 }, - { 0x13630, 0x0 }, - { 0x13730, 0x0 }, - { 0x13830, 0x0 }, -}; -/* P0 message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp0_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54003,0xc80}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x131f}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400d,0x100}, - {0x54012,0x310}, - {0x54019,0x2dd4}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x2dd4}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x3}, - {0x54032,0xd400}, - {0x54033,0x312d}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0xd400}, - {0x54039,0x312d}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - {0xd0000, 0x1}, -}; - - -/* P1 message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp1_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54002,0x1}, - {0x54003,0x29c}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x121f}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400d,0x100}, - {0x54012,0x310}, - {0x54019,0x994}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x994}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x3}, - {0x54032,0x9400}, - {0x54033,0x3109}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0x9400}, - {0x54039,0x3109}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - {0xd0000, 0x1}, -}; - - -/* P0 2D message block paremeter for training firmware */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x54003,0xc80}, - {0x54004,0x2}, - {0x54005,0x2228}, - {0x54006,0x11}, - {0x54008,0x61}, - {0x54009,0xc8}, - {0x5400b,0x2}, - {0x5400f,0x100}, - {0x54010,0x1f7f}, - {0x54012,0x310}, - {0x54019,0x2dd4}, - {0x5401a,0x31}, - {0x5401b,0x4a66}, - {0x5401c,0x4a08}, - {0x5401e,0x16}, - {0x5401f,0x2dd4}, - {0x54020,0x31}, - {0x54021,0x4a66}, - {0x54022,0x4a08}, - {0x54024,0x16}, - {0x5402b,0x1000}, - {0x5402c,0x3}, - {0x54032,0xd400}, - {0x54033,0x312d}, - {0x54034,0x6600}, - {0x54035,0x84a}, - {0x54036,0x4a}, - {0x54037,0x1600}, - {0x54038,0xd400}, - {0x54039,0x312d}, - {0x5403a,0x6600}, - {0x5403b,0x84a}, - {0x5403c,0x4a}, - {0x5403d,0x1600}, - { 0xd0000, 0x1 }, -}; - -/* DRAM PHY init engine image */ -static struct dram_cfg_param ddr_phy_pie[] = { - {0xd0000, 0x0}, - {0x90000,0x10}, - {0x90001,0x400}, - {0x90002,0x10e}, - {0x90003,0x0}, - {0x90004,0x0}, - {0x90005,0x8}, - {0x90029,0xb}, - {0x9002a,0x480}, - {0x9002b,0x109}, - {0x9002c,0x8}, - {0x9002d,0x448}, - {0x9002e,0x139}, - {0x9002f,0x8}, - {0x90030,0x478}, - {0x90031,0x109}, - {0x90032,0x0}, - {0x90033,0xe8}, - {0x90034,0x109}, - {0x90035,0x2}, - {0x90036,0x10}, - {0x90037,0x139}, - {0x90038,0xf}, - {0x90039,0x7c0}, - {0x9003a,0x139}, - {0x9003b,0x44}, - {0x9003c,0x630}, - {0x9003d,0x159}, - {0x9003e,0x14f}, - {0x9003f,0x630}, - {0x90040,0x159}, - {0x90041,0x47}, - {0x90042,0x630}, - {0x90043,0x149}, - {0x90044,0x4f}, - {0x90045,0x630}, - {0x90046,0x179}, - {0x90047,0x8}, - {0x90048,0xe0}, - {0x90049,0x109}, - {0x9004a,0x0}, - {0x9004b,0x7c8}, - {0x9004c,0x109}, - {0x9004d,0x0}, - {0x9004e,0x1}, - {0x9004f,0x8}, - {0x90050,0x0}, - {0x90051,0x45a}, - {0x90052,0x9}, - {0x90053,0x0}, - {0x90054,0x448}, - {0x90055,0x109}, - {0x90056,0x40}, - {0x90057,0x630}, - {0x90058,0x179}, - {0x90059,0x1}, - {0x9005a,0x618}, - {0x9005b,0x109}, - {0x9005c,0x40c0}, - {0x9005d,0x630}, - {0x9005e,0x149}, - {0x9005f,0x8}, - {0x90060,0x4}, - {0x90061,0x48}, - {0x90062,0x4040}, - {0x90063,0x630}, - {0x90064,0x149}, - {0x90065,0x0}, - {0x90066,0x4}, - {0x90067,0x48}, - {0x90068,0x40}, - {0x90069,0x630}, - {0x9006a,0x149}, - {0x9006b,0x10}, - {0x9006c,0x4}, - {0x9006d,0x18}, - {0x9006e,0x0}, - {0x9006f,0x4}, - {0x90070,0x78}, - {0x90071,0x549}, - {0x90072,0x630}, - {0x90073,0x159}, - {0x90074,0xd49}, - {0x90075,0x630}, - {0x90076,0x159}, - {0x90077,0x94a}, - {0x90078,0x630}, - {0x90079,0x159}, - {0x9007a,0x441}, - {0x9007b,0x630}, - {0x9007c,0x149}, - {0x9007d,0x42}, - {0x9007e,0x630}, - {0x9007f,0x149}, - {0x90080,0x1}, - {0x90081,0x630}, - {0x90082,0x149}, - {0x90083,0x0}, - {0x90084,0xe0}, - {0x90085,0x109}, - {0x90086,0xa}, - {0x90087,0x10}, - {0x90088,0x109}, - {0x90089,0x9}, - {0x9008a,0x3c0}, - {0x9008b,0x149}, - {0x9008c,0x9}, - {0x9008d,0x3c0}, - {0x9008e,0x159}, - {0x9008f,0x18}, - {0x90090,0x10}, - {0x90091,0x109}, - {0x90092,0x0}, - {0x90093,0x3c0}, - {0x90094,0x109}, - {0x90095,0x18}, - {0x90096,0x4}, - {0x90097,0x48}, - {0x90098,0x18}, - {0x90099,0x4}, - {0x9009a,0x58}, - {0x9009b,0xa}, - {0x9009c,0x10}, - {0x9009d,0x109}, - {0x9009e,0x2}, - {0x9009f,0x10}, - {0x900a0,0x109}, - {0x900a1,0x5}, - {0x900a2,0x7c0}, - {0x900a3,0x109}, - {0x900a4,0x10}, - {0x900a5,0x10}, - {0x900a6,0x109}, - {0x40000,0x811}, - {0x40020,0x880}, - {0x40040,0x0}, - {0x40060,0x0}, - {0x40001,0x4008}, - {0x40021,0x83}, - {0x40041,0x4f}, - {0x40061,0x0}, - {0x40002,0x4040}, - {0x40022,0x83}, - {0x40042,0x51}, - {0x40062,0x0}, - {0x40003,0x811}, - {0x40023,0x880}, - {0x40043,0x0}, - {0x40063,0x0}, - {0x40004,0x720}, - {0x40024,0xf}, - {0x40044,0x1740}, - {0x40064,0x0}, - {0x40005,0x16}, - {0x40025,0x83}, - {0x40045,0x4b}, - {0x40065,0x0}, - {0x40006,0x716}, - {0x40026,0xf}, - {0x40046,0x2001}, - {0x40066,0x0}, - {0x40007,0x716}, - {0x40027,0xf}, - {0x40047,0x2800}, - {0x40067,0x0}, - {0x40008,0x716}, - {0x40028,0xf}, - {0x40048,0xf00}, - {0x40068,0x0}, - {0x40009,0x720}, - {0x40029,0xf}, - {0x40049,0x1400}, - {0x40069,0x0}, - {0x4000a,0xe08}, - {0x4002a,0xc15}, - {0x4004a,0x0}, - {0x4006a,0x0}, - {0x4000b,0x623}, - {0x4002b,0x15}, - {0x4004b,0x0}, - {0x4006b,0x0}, - {0x4000c,0x4028}, - {0x4002c,0x80}, - {0x4004c,0x0}, - {0x4006c,0x0}, - {0x4000d,0xe08}, - {0x4002d,0xc1a}, - {0x4004d,0x0}, - {0x4006d,0x0}, - {0x4000e,0x623}, - {0x4002e,0x1a}, - {0x4004e,0x0}, - {0x4006e,0x0}, - {0x4000f,0x4040}, - {0x4002f,0x80}, - {0x4004f,0x0}, - {0x4006f,0x0}, - {0x40010,0x2604}, - {0x40030,0x15}, - {0x40050,0x0}, - {0x40070,0x0}, - {0x40011,0x708}, - {0x40031,0x5}, - {0x40051,0x0}, - {0x40071,0x2002}, - {0x40012,0x8}, - {0x40032,0x80}, - {0x40052,0x0}, - {0x40072,0x0}, - {0x40013,0x2604}, - {0x40033,0x1a}, - {0x40053,0x0}, - {0x40073,0x0}, - {0x40014,0x708}, - {0x40034,0xa}, - {0x40054,0x0}, - {0x40074,0x2002}, - {0x40015,0x4040}, - {0x40035,0x80}, - {0x40055,0x0}, - {0x40075,0x0}, - {0x40016,0x60a}, - {0x40036,0x15}, - {0x40056,0x1200}, - {0x40076,0x0}, - {0x40017,0x61a}, - {0x40037,0x15}, - {0x40057,0x1300}, - {0x40077,0x0}, - {0x40018,0x60a}, - {0x40038,0x1a}, - {0x40058,0x1200}, - {0x40078,0x0}, - {0x40019,0x642}, - {0x40039,0x1a}, - {0x40059,0x1300}, - {0x40079,0x0}, - {0x4001a,0x4808}, - {0x4003a,0x880}, - {0x4005a,0x0}, - {0x4007a,0x0}, - {0x900a7,0x0}, - {0x900a8,0x790}, - {0x900a9,0x11a}, - {0x900aa,0x8}, - {0x900ab,0x7aa}, - {0x900ac,0x2a}, - {0x900ad,0x10}, - {0x900ae,0x7b2}, - {0x900af,0x2a}, - {0x900b0,0x0}, - {0x900b1,0x7c8}, - {0x900b2,0x109}, - {0x900b3,0x10}, - {0x900b4,0x2a8}, - {0x900b5,0x129}, - {0x900b6,0x8}, - {0x900b7,0x370}, - {0x900b8,0x129}, - {0x900b9,0xa}, - {0x900ba,0x3c8}, - {0x900bb,0x1a9}, - {0x900bc,0xc}, - {0x900bd,0x408}, - {0x900be,0x199}, - {0x900bf,0x14}, - {0x900c0,0x790}, - {0x900c1,0x11a}, - {0x900c2,0x8}, - {0x900c3,0x4}, - {0x900c4,0x18}, - {0x900c5,0xe}, - {0x900c6,0x408}, - {0x900c7,0x199}, - {0x900c8,0x8}, - {0x900c9,0x8568}, - {0x900ca,0x108}, - {0x900cb,0x18}, - {0x900cc,0x790}, - {0x900cd,0x16a}, - {0x900ce,0x8}, - {0x900cf,0x1d8}, - {0x900d0,0x169}, - {0x900d1,0x10}, - {0x900d2,0x8558}, - {0x900d3,0x168}, - {0x900d4,0x70}, - {0x900d5,0x788}, - {0x900d6,0x16a}, - {0x900d7,0x1ff8}, - {0x900d8,0x85a8}, - {0x900d9,0x1e8}, - {0x900da,0x50}, - {0x900db,0x798}, - {0x900dc,0x16a}, - {0x900dd,0x60}, - {0x900de,0x7a0}, - {0x900df,0x16a}, - {0x900e0,0x8}, - {0x900e1,0x8310}, - {0x900e2,0x168}, - {0x900e3,0x8}, - {0x900e4,0xa310}, - {0x900e5,0x168}, - {0x900e6,0xa}, - {0x900e7,0x408}, - {0x900e8,0x169}, - {0x900e9,0x6e}, - {0x900ea,0x0}, - {0x900eb,0x68}, - {0x900ec,0x0}, - {0x900ed,0x408}, - {0x900ee,0x169}, - {0x900ef,0x0}, - {0x900f0,0x8310}, - {0x900f1,0x168}, - {0x900f2,0x0}, - {0x900f3,0xa310}, - {0x900f4,0x168}, - {0x900f5,0x1ff8}, - {0x900f6,0x85a8}, - {0x900f7,0x1e8}, - {0x900f8,0x68}, - {0x900f9,0x798}, - {0x900fa,0x16a}, - {0x900fb,0x78}, - {0x900fc,0x7a0}, - {0x900fd,0x16a}, - {0x900fe,0x68}, - {0x900ff,0x790}, - {0x90100,0x16a}, - {0x90101,0x8}, - {0x90102,0x8b10}, - {0x90103,0x168}, - {0x90104,0x8}, - {0x90105,0xab10}, - {0x90106,0x168}, - {0x90107,0xa}, - {0x90108,0x408}, - {0x90109,0x169}, - {0x9010a,0x58}, - {0x9010b,0x0}, - {0x9010c,0x68}, - {0x9010d,0x0}, - {0x9010e,0x408}, - {0x9010f,0x169}, - {0x90110,0x0}, - {0x90111,0x8b10}, - {0x90112,0x168}, - {0x90113,0x0}, - {0x90114,0xab10}, - {0x90115,0x168}, - {0x90116,0x0}, - {0x90117,0x1d8}, - {0x90118,0x169}, - {0x90119,0x80}, - {0x9011a,0x790}, - {0x9011b,0x16a}, - {0x9011c,0x18}, - {0x9011d,0x7aa}, - {0x9011e,0x6a}, - {0x9011f,0xa}, - {0x90120,0x0}, - {0x90121,0x1e9}, - {0x90122,0x8}, - {0x90123,0x8080}, - {0x90124,0x108}, - {0x90125,0xf}, - {0x90126,0x408}, - {0x90127,0x169}, - {0x90128,0xc}, - {0x90129,0x0}, - {0x9012a,0x68}, - {0x9012b,0x9}, - {0x9012c,0x0}, - {0x9012d,0x1a9}, - {0x9012e,0x0}, - {0x9012f,0x408}, - {0x90130,0x169}, - {0x90131,0x0}, - {0x90132,0x8080}, - {0x90133,0x108}, - {0x90134,0x8}, - {0x90135,0x7aa}, - {0x90136,0x6a}, - {0x90137,0x0}, - {0x90138,0x8568}, - {0x90139,0x108}, - {0x9013a,0xb7}, - {0x9013b,0x790}, - {0x9013c,0x16a}, - {0x9013d,0x1f}, - {0x9013e,0x0}, - {0x9013f,0x68}, - {0x90140,0x8}, - {0x90141,0x8558}, - {0x90142,0x168}, - {0x90143,0xf}, - {0x90144,0x408}, - {0x90145,0x169}, - {0x90146,0xc}, - {0x90147,0x0}, - {0x90148,0x68}, - {0x90149,0x0}, - {0x9014a,0x408}, - {0x9014b,0x169}, - {0x9014c,0x0}, - {0x9014d,0x8558}, - {0x9014e,0x168}, - {0x9014f,0x8}, - {0x90150,0x3c8}, - {0x90151,0x1a9}, - {0x90152,0x3}, - {0x90153,0x370}, - {0x90154,0x129}, - {0x90155,0x20}, - {0x90156,0x2aa}, - {0x90157,0x9}, - {0x90158,0x0}, - {0x90159,0x400}, - {0x9015a,0x10e}, - {0x9015b,0x8}, - {0x9015c,0xe8}, - {0x9015d,0x109}, - {0x9015e,0x0}, - {0x9015f,0x8140}, - {0x90160,0x10c}, - {0x90161,0x10}, - {0x90162,0x8138}, - {0x90163,0x10c}, - {0x90164,0x8}, - {0x90165,0x7c8}, - {0x90166,0x101}, - {0x90167,0x8}, - {0x90168,0x0}, - {0x90169,0x8}, - {0x9016a,0x8}, - {0x9016b,0x448}, - {0x9016c,0x109}, - {0x9016d,0xf}, - {0x9016e,0x7c0}, - {0x9016f,0x109}, - {0x90170,0x0}, - {0x90171,0xe8}, - {0x90172,0x109}, - {0x90173,0x47}, - {0x90174,0x630}, - {0x90175,0x109}, - {0x90176,0x8}, - {0x90177,0x618}, - {0x90178,0x109}, - {0x90179,0x8}, - {0x9017a,0xe0}, - {0x9017b,0x109}, - {0x9017c,0x0}, - {0x9017d,0x7c8}, - {0x9017e,0x109}, - {0x9017f,0x8}, - {0x90180,0x8140}, - {0x90181,0x10c}, - {0x90182,0x0}, - {0x90183,0x1}, - {0x90184,0x8}, - {0x90185,0x8}, - {0x90186,0x4}, - {0x90187,0x8}, - {0x90188,0x8}, - {0x90189,0x7c8}, - {0x9018a,0x101}, - {0x90006,0x0}, - {0x90007,0x0}, - {0x90008,0x8}, - {0x90009,0x0}, - {0x9000a,0x0}, - {0x9000b,0x0}, - {0xd00e7,0x400}, - {0x90017,0x0}, - {0x9001f,0x2a}, - {0x90026,0x6a}, - {0x400d0,0x0}, - {0x400d1,0x101}, - {0x400d2,0x105}, - {0x400d3,0x107}, - {0x400d4,0x10f}, - {0x400d5,0x202}, - {0x400d6,0x20a}, - {0x400d7,0x20b}, - {0x2003a,0x2}, - {0x2000b,0x64}, - {0x2000c,0xc8}, - {0x2000d,0x7d0}, - {0x2000e,0x2c}, - {0x12000b,0x14}, - {0x12000c,0x29}, - {0x12000d,0x1a1}, - {0x12000e,0x10}, - {0x9000c,0x0}, - {0x9000d,0x173}, - {0x9000e,0x60}, - {0x9000f,0x6110}, - {0x90010,0x2152}, - {0x90011,0xdfbd}, - {0x90012,0x60}, - {0x90013,0x6152}, - {0x20010,0x5a}, - {0x20011,0x3}, - {0x120010,0x5a}, - {0x120011,0x3}, - {0x40080,0xe0}, - {0x40081,0x12}, - {0x40082,0xe0}, - {0x40083,0x12}, - {0x40084,0xe0}, - {0x40085,0x12}, - {0x140080,0xe0}, - {0x140081,0x12}, - {0x140082,0xe0}, - {0x140083,0x12}, - {0x140084,0xe0}, - {0x140085,0x12}, - {0x400fd,0xf}, - {0x10011,0x1}, - {0x10012,0x1}, - {0x10013,0x180}, - {0x10018,0x1}, - {0x10002,0x6209}, - {0x100b2,0x1}, - {0x101b4,0x1}, - {0x102b4,0x1}, - {0x103b4,0x1}, - {0x104b4,0x1}, - {0x105b4,0x1}, - {0x106b4,0x1}, - {0x107b4,0x1}, - {0x108b4,0x1}, - {0x11011,0x1}, - {0x11012,0x1}, - {0x11013,0x180}, - {0x11018,0x1}, - {0x11002,0x6209}, - {0x110b2,0x1}, - {0x111b4,0x1}, - {0x112b4,0x1}, - {0x113b4,0x1}, - {0x114b4,0x1}, - {0x115b4,0x1}, - {0x116b4,0x1}, - {0x117b4,0x1}, - {0x118b4,0x1}, - {0x12011,0x1}, - {0x12012,0x1}, - {0x12013,0x180}, - {0x12018,0x1}, - {0x12002,0x6209}, - {0x120b2,0x1}, - {0x121b4,0x1}, - {0x122b4,0x1}, - {0x123b4,0x1}, - {0x124b4,0x1}, - {0x125b4,0x1}, - {0x126b4,0x1}, - {0x127b4,0x1}, - {0x128b4,0x1}, - {0x13011,0x1}, - {0x13012,0x1}, - {0x13013,0x180}, - {0x13018,0x1}, - {0x13002,0x6209}, - {0x130b2,0x1}, - {0x131b4,0x1}, - {0x132b4,0x1}, - {0x133b4,0x1}, - {0x134b4,0x1}, - {0x135b4,0x1}, - {0x136b4,0x1}, - {0x137b4,0x1}, - {0x138b4,0x1}, - {0x2003a,0x2}, - {0xc0080,0x2}, - {0xd0000, 0x1} -}; - -static struct dram_fsp_msg ddr_dram_fsp_msg[] = { - { - /* P0 3200mts 1D */ - .drate = 3200, - .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp0_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp0_cfg), - }, - { - /* P1 667mts 1D */ - .drate = 667, - .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp1_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp1_cfg), - }, - { - /* P0 3200mts 2D */ - .drate = 3200, - .fw_type = FW_2D_IMAGE, - .fsp_cfg = ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg, - .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_fsp0_2d_cfg), - }, -}; - -/* ddr timing config params */ -struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_2g = { - .ddrc_cfg = ddr_ddrc_cfg, - .ddrc_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrc_cfg), - .ddrphy_cfg = ddr_ddrphy_cfg, - .ddrphy_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrphy_cfg), - .fsp_msg = ddr_dram_fsp_msg, - .fsp_msg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_dram_fsp_msg), - .ddrphy_trained_csr = ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr, - .ddrphy_trained_csr_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_ddrphy_trained_csr), - .ddrphy_pie = ddr_phy_pie, - .ddrphy_pie_num = ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_phy_pie), - .fsp_table = { 3200, 667, }, -}; diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/spl.c b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/spl.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1524173..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/board/rvphone/cl-imx8/spl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,301 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2017 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../../freescale/common/pfuze.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "common.h" -#include "ddr/ddr.h" - -DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; - -#define CL_SOM_IMX8_1G 0x1 -#define CL_SOM_IMX8_2G 0x2 - -static int get_baseboard_id(void) -{ -#ifdef CONFIG_RAM_1G -#define BOARD_ID CL_SOM_IMX8_1G -#endif -#ifdef CONFIG_RAM_2G -#define BOARD_ID CL_SOM_IMX8_2G -#endif -#ifdef BOARD_ID - return BOARD_ID; -#else -#error "Invalid RAM configuration" -#endif -} - -#define TCM_BOARD_CFG 0x7e0000 -static void set_baseboard_tcm(int board_id) -{ - writel(board_id, TCM_BOARD_CFG); -} - -void spl_dram_init(void) -{ - /* ddr init */ - int board_id = get_baseboard_id(); - set_baseboard_tcm(board_id); - - /* ddr init */ - if ((board_id == CL_SOM_IMX8_2G)) - ddr_init(&dram_timing_2g); - else - ddr_init(&dram_timing_1g); -} - -#define I2C_PAD_CTRL (PAD_CTL_DSE6 | PAD_CTL_HYS | PAD_CTL_PUE) -#define PC MUX_PAD_CTRL(I2C_PAD_CTRL) - -struct i2c_pads_info i2c_pad_info1 = { - .scl = { - .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SCL__I2C2_SCL | PC, - .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SCL__GPIO5_IO16 | PC, - .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 16), - }, - .sda = { - .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SDA__I2C2_SDA | PC, - .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SDA__GPIO5_IO17 | PC, - .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 17), - }, -}; - -#define USDHC2_CD_GPIO IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 12) -#define USDHC1_PWR_GPIO IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 10) -#define USDHC2_PWR_GPIO IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 19) - -int board_mmc_getcd(struct mmc *mmc) -{ - struct fsl_esdhc_cfg *cfg = (struct fsl_esdhc_cfg *)mmc->priv; - int ret = 0; - - switch (cfg->esdhc_base) { - case USDHC1_BASE_ADDR: - ret = 1; - break; - case USDHC2_BASE_ADDR: - ret = !gpio_get_value(USDHC2_CD_GPIO); - return ret; - } - - return 1; -} - -#define USDHC_PAD_CTRL (PAD_CTL_DSE6 | PAD_CTL_HYS | PAD_CTL_PUE | \ - PAD_CTL_FSEL2) - -static iomux_v3_cfg_t const usdhc1_pads[] = { - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_CLK__USDHC1_CLK | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_CMD__USDHC1_CMD | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA0__USDHC1_DATA0 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA1__USDHC1_DATA1 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA2__USDHC1_DATA2 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA3__USDHC1_DATA3 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA4__USDHC1_DATA4 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA5__USDHC1_DATA5 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA6__USDHC1_DATA6 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_DATA7__USDHC1_DATA7 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD1_RESET_B__GPIO2_IO10 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(NO_PAD_CTRL), -}; - -static iomux_v3_cfg_t const usdhc2_pads[] = { - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0xd6 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0xd6 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0xd6 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0xd6 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0x16 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(USDHC_PAD_CTRL), /* 0xd6 */ - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_CD_B__GPIO2_IO12 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(NO_PAD_CTRL), - IMX8MQ_PAD_SD2_RESET_B__GPIO2_IO19 | MUX_PAD_CTRL(NO_PAD_CTRL), -}; - -static struct fsl_esdhc_cfg usdhc_cfg[2] = { - {USDHC1_BASE_ADDR, 0, 8}, - {USDHC2_BASE_ADDR, 0, 4}, -}; - -int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis) -{ - int i, ret; - /* - * According to the board_mmc_init() the following map is done: - * (U-Boot device node) (Physical Port) - * mmc0 USDHC1 - * mmc1 USDHC2 - */ - for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USDHC_NUM; i++) { - switch (i) { - case 0: - usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(USDHC1_CLK_ROOT); - imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads( - usdhc1_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc1_pads)); - gpio_request(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, "usdhc1_reset"); - gpio_direction_output(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, 0); - udelay(500); - gpio_direction_output(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, 1); - break; - case 1: - usdhc_cfg[1].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(USDHC2_CLK_ROOT); - imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads( - usdhc2_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc2_pads)); - gpio_request(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, "usdhc2_reset"); - gpio_direction_output(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, 0); - udelay(500); - gpio_direction_output(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, 1); - break; - default: - printf("Warning: you configured more USDHC controllers" - "(%d) than supported by the board\n", i + 1); - return -EINVAL; - } - - ret = fsl_esdhc_initialize(bis, &usdhc_cfg[i]); - if (ret) - return ret; - } - - return 0; -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_POWER -#define I2C_PMIC 1 -int power_init_board(void) -{ - struct pmic *p; - int ret; - unsigned int reg; - - ret = power_pfuze100_init(I2C_PMIC); - if (ret) - return -ENODEV; - - p = pmic_get("PFUZE100"); - ret = pmic_probe(p); - if (ret) - return -ENODEV; - - pmic_reg_read(p, PFUZE100_DEVICEID, ®); - printf("PMIC: PFUZE100 ID=0x%02x\n", reg); - - /* Increase the DRAM rail voltage up to 1V125 */ - pmic_reg_read(p, PFUZE100_SW2VOL, ®); - if ((reg & 0x3f) != 0x1E) { - reg &= ~0x3f; - reg |= 0x1E; - pmic_reg_write(p, PFUZE100_SW2VOL, reg); - } - - /* Increase the GPU rail voltage */ - pmic_reg_read(p, PFUZE100_SW1ABVOL, ®); - if ((reg & 0x3f) != 0x1C) { - reg &= ~0x3f; - reg |= 0x1C; - pmic_reg_write(p, PFUZE100_SW1ABVOL, reg); - } - - pmic_reg_read(p, PFUZE100_SW3AVOL, ®); - if ((reg & 0x3f) != 0x18) { - reg &= ~0x3f; - reg |= 0x18; - pmic_reg_write(p, PFUZE100_SW3AVOL, reg); - } - - ret = pfuze_mode_init(p, APS_PFM); - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - - return 0; -} -#endif - -void spl_board_init(void) -{ - puts("Normal Boot\n"); -} - -#ifdef CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT -int board_fit_config_name_match(const char *name) -{ - /* Just empty function now - can't decide what to choose */ - debug("%s: %s\n", __func__, name); - - return 0; -} -#endif - -void board_init_f(ulong dummy) -{ - int ret; - - /* Clear global data */ - memset((void *)gd, 0, sizeof(gd_t)); - - arch_cpu_init(); - - init_uart_clk(2); /* Init UART3 clock */ - - board_early_init_f(); - - timer_init(); - - preloader_console_init(); - - /* Clear the BSS. */ - memset(__bss_start, 0, __bss_end - __bss_start); - - ret = spl_init(); - if (ret) { - debug("spl_init() failed: %d\n", ret); - hang(); - } - - enable_tzc380(); - - /* Adjust pmic voltage to 1.0V for 800M */ - setup_i2c(1, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0x7f, &i2c_pad_info1); - - power_init_board(); - - /* DDR initialization */ - spl_dram_init(); - - board_init_r(NULL, 0); -} - -void board_boot_order(u32 *spl_boot_list) -{ - spl_boot_list[0] = spl_boot_device(); - switch (spl_boot_list[0]) { - case BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1: - printf("SPL Boot Device: MMC1\n"); - spl_boot_list[1] = BOOT_DEVICE_MMC2; - break; - case BOOT_DEVICE_MMC2: - printf("SPL Boot Device: MMC2\n"); - spl_boot_list[1] = BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1; - break; - default: - printf("SPL Boot Device: # %d; no 2-nd boot device\n", spl_boot_list[0]); - break; - } -} diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_android_defconfig b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_android_defconfig deleted file mode 100644 index 4f66291..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_android_defconfig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -CONFIG_ARM=y -CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE=0x40200000 -CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN=0x2000 -CONFIG_TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8=y -CONFIG_FLASH_MCUFIRMWARE_SUPPORT=y -CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="cl-imx8" -CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-rvphone-cl-imx8" -CONFIG_FIT=y -CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT=y -CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="IMX_CONFIG=arch/arm/mach-imx/spl_sd.cfg,ANDROID_SUPPORT" -CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="cl-imx8.dtb" -CONFIG_ARCH_MISC_INIT=y -CONFIG_SPL=y -CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT=y -CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST=y -CONFIG_CMD_GPIO=y -CONFIG_CMD_I2C=y -CONFIG_CMD_CACHE=y -CONFIG_CMD_PMIC=y -CONFIG_CMD_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT2=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4_WRITE=y -CONFIG_CMD_FAT=y -CONFIG_CMD_FS_GENERIC=y -CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION=y -# CONFIG_SPL_EFI_PARTITION is not set -# CONFIG_PARTITION_UUIDS is not set -CONFIG_OF_CONTROL=y -CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC=y -CONFIG_SAVED_DRAM_TIMING_BASE=0x40000000 -CONFIG_DM_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_I2C=y -CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC=y -CONFIG_DM_MMC=y -CONFIG_DM_ETH=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_FIXED=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_THERMAL=y -CONFIG_NXP_TMU=y -CONFIG_LZ4=y diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d1_defconfig b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d1_defconfig deleted file mode 100644 index 331daff..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d1_defconfig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -CONFIG_ARM=y -CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE=0x40200000 -CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN=0x2000 -CONFIG_TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8=y -CONFIG_RAM_1G=y -CONFIG_IMX_OPTEE=y -CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="cl-imx8" -CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-rvphone-cl-imx8-D1" -CONFIG_FIT=y -CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT=y -CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="IMX_CONFIG=arch/arm/mach-imx/spl_sd.cfg" -CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="cl-imx8.dtb" -CONFIG_ARCH_MISC_INIT=y -CONFIG_SPL=y -CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT=y -CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST=y -CONFIG_CMD_GPIO=y -CONFIG_CMD_I2C=y -CONFIG_CMD_CACHE=y -CONFIG_CMD_PMIC=y -CONFIG_CMD_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT2=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4_WRITE=y -CONFIG_CMD_FAT=y -CONFIG_CMD_FS_GENERIC=y -CONFIG_OF_CONTROL=y -CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC=y -CONFIG_IMX8M_LPDDR4=y -CONFIG_SAVED_DRAM_TIMING_BASE=0x40000000 -CONFIG_DM_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_I2C=y -CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC=y -CONFIG_DM_MMC=y -CONFIG_DM_ETH=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_FIXED=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_THERMAL=y -CONFIG_LED=y -CONFIG_LED_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BOARD_SPECIFIC=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS0=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BIT=12 -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_STATE=2 diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d2_defconfig b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d2_defconfig deleted file mode 100644 index eab68a4..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_d2_defconfig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -CONFIG_ARM=y -CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE=0x40200000 -CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN=0x2000 -CONFIG_TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8=y -CONFIG_RAM_2G=y -CONFIG_IMX_OPTEE=y -CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="cl-imx8" -CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-rvphone-cl-imx8-D2" -CONFIG_FIT=y -CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT=y -CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="IMX_CONFIG=arch/arm/mach-imx/spl_sd.cfg" -CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="cl-imx8.dtb" -CONFIG_ARCH_MISC_INIT=y -CONFIG_SPL=y -CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT=y -CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST=y -CONFIG_CMD_GPIO=y -CONFIG_CMD_I2C=y -CONFIG_CMD_CACHE=y -CONFIG_CMD_PMIC=y -CONFIG_CMD_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT2=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4_WRITE=y -CONFIG_CMD_FAT=y -CONFIG_CMD_FS_GENERIC=y -CONFIG_OF_CONTROL=y -CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC=y -CONFIG_IMX8M_LPDDR4=y -CONFIG_SAVED_DRAM_TIMING_BASE=0x40000000 -CONFIG_DM_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_I2C=y -CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC=y -CONFIG_DM_MMC=y -CONFIG_DM_ETH=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_FIXED=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_THERMAL=y -CONFIG_LED=y -CONFIG_LED_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BOARD_SPECIFIC=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS0=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BIT=12 -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_STATE=2 diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_defconfig b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_defconfig deleted file mode 100644 index 930bdf6..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/configs/cl-imx8_defconfig +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -CONFIG_ARM=y -CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE=0x40200000 -CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN=0x2000 -CONFIG_TARGET_RVPHONE_CL_IMX8=y -CONFIG_IMX_OPTEE=y -CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="cl-imx8" -CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-rvphone-cl-imx8-CFG" -CONFIG_FIT=y -CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT=y -CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="IMX_CONFIG=arch/arm/mach-imx/spl_sd.cfg" -CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="cl-imx8.dtb" -CONFIG_ARCH_MISC_INIT=y -CONFIG_SPL=y -CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT=y -CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO=y -CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST=y -CONFIG_CMD_GPIO=y -CONFIG_CMD_I2C=y -CONFIG_CMD_CACHE=y -CONFIG_CMD_PMIC=y -CONFIG_CMD_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT2=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4=y -CONFIG_CMD_EXT4_WRITE=y -CONFIG_CMD_FAT=y -CONFIG_CMD_FS_GENERIC=y -CONFIG_OF_CONTROL=y -CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC=y -CONFIG_IMX8M_LPDDR4=y -CONFIG_SAVED_DRAM_TIMING_BASE=0x40000000 -CONFIG_DM_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_I2C=y -CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC=y -CONFIG_DM_MMC=y -CONFIG_DM_ETH=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL=y -CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX8M=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC=y -CONFIG_DM_PMIC_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_PFUZE100=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_FIXED=y -CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_GPIO=y -CONFIG_DM_THERMAL=y -CONFIG_LED=y -CONFIG_LED_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_GPIO=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BOARD_SPECIFIC=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS0=y -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_BIT=12 -CONFIG_LED_STATUS_STATE=2 diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/dts/cl-imx8.dts b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/dts/cl-imx8.dts deleted file mode 100644 index a057719..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/dts/cl-imx8.dts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 2017 CopuLab Ltd. - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 - * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - */ - -/dts-v1/; - -/* First 128KB is for PSCI ATF. */ -/memreserve/ 0x40000000 0x00020000; - -#include "fsl-imx8mq.dtsi" - -/ { - model = "rvPhone cl-imx8"; - compatible = "rvphone,cl-imx8", "fsl,imx8mq"; - - chosen { - bootargs = "console=ttymxc2,115200 earlycon=ec_imx6q,0x30880000,115200"; - stdout-path = &uart3; - }; - - regulators { - compatible = "simple-bus"; - #address-cells = <1>; - #size-cells = <0>; - - reg_usdhc2_vmmc: regulator-vsd-3v3 { - compatible = "regulator-fixed"; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_reg>; - regulator-name = "VSD_3V3"; - regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; - gpio = <&gpio2 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - off-on-delay-us = <20000>; - enable-active-high; - }; - - reg_usb_mux: regulator-usb-mux { - compatible = "regulator-fixed"; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usbimux1>; - regulator-name = "usb_mux"; - regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; - gpio = <&gpio1 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - regulator-always-on; - enable-active-low; - }; - }; - - leds { - compatible = "gpio-leds"; - heartbeat-led { - label = "Heartbeat"; - gpios = <&gpio1 12 0>; - linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat"; - }; - }; - - pwmleds { - compatible = "pwm-leds"; - - ledpwm2 { - label = "PWM2"; - pwms = <&pwm2 0 50000>; - max-brightness = <255>; - }; - }; -}; - -&iomuxc { - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hog>; - - cl-som-imx8 { - pinctrl_hog: hoggrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO12_GPIO1_IO12 0x16 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_reg: usdhc2reggrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_RESET_B_GPIO2_IO19 0x41 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usbimux1: usbmux1grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO04_GPIO1_IO4 0x16 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_i2c2: i2c2grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C2_SCL_I2C2_SCL 0x4000007f - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C2_SDA_I2C2_SDA 0x4000007f - >; - }; - - - pinctrl_pwm2: pwm2grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO13_PWM2_OUT 0x16 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_uart3: uart3grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART3_TXD_UART3_DCE_TX 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART3_RXD_UART3_DCE_RX 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_MISO_UART3_DCE_CTS_B 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_SS0_UART3_DCE_RTS_B 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_CLE_GPIO3_IO5 0x19 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_uart4: uart4grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MOSI_UART4_DCE_TX 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SCLK_UART4_DCE_RX 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MISO_UART4_DCE_CTS_B 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SS0_UART4_DCE_RTS_B 0x79 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO04_GPIO1_IO4 0x19 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO05_GPIO1_IO5 0x19 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc1: usdhc1grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK 0x83 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE 0x83 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B 0xc1 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz: usdhc1grp100mhz { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK 0x85 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE 0x85 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B 0xc1 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz: usdhc1grp200mhz { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK 0x87 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE 0x87 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B 0xc1 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio: usdhc2grpgpio { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CD_B_GPIO2_IO12 0x41 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_WP_GPIO2_IO20 0x41 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK 0x83 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2 0xc3 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3 0xc3 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz: usdhc2grp100mhz { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK 0x85 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2 0xc5 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3 0xc5 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz: usdhc2grp200mhz { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK 0x87 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2 0xc7 - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3 0xc7 - >; - }; - - pinctrl_wdog: wdoggrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO02_WDOG1_WDOG_B 0xc6 - >; - }; - }; -}; - -&i2c2 { - clock-frequency = <100000>; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c2>; - status = "okay"; - - pmic@8 { - compatible = "fsl,pfuze100"; - fsl,pfuze-support-disable-sw; - reg = <0x8>; - - regulators { - sw1a_reg: sw1ab { - regulator-min-microvolt = <825000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - sw1c_reg: sw1c { - regulator-min-microvolt = <825000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - sw2_reg: sw2 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1060000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1170000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - sw3a_reg: sw3ab { - regulator-min-microvolt = <825000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - sw4_reg: sw4 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - swbst_reg: swbst { - regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <5150000>; - }; - - snvs_reg: vsnvs { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3000000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vref_reg: vrefddr { - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vgen1_reg: vgen1 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1550000>; - }; - - vgen2_reg: vgen2 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <850000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <975000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vgen3_reg: vgen3 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1675000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1975000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vgen4_reg: vgen4 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1625000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <1875000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vgen5_reg: vgen5 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <3075000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3625000>; - regulator-always-on; - }; - - vgen6_reg: vgen6 { - regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; - }; - }; - }; -}; - -&pwm2 { - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_pwm2>; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&uart3 { /* console */ - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart3>; - assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_UART3_SRC>; - assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_25M>; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&uart4 { /* BT */ - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart4>; - assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_UART4_SRC>; - assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS1_PLL_80M>; - fsl,uart-has-rtscts; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&usdhc1 { - pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1>; - pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz>; - pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz>; - bus-width = <8>; - non-removable; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&usdhc2 { - pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - bus-width = <4>; - cd-gpios = <&gpio2 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; - wp-gpios = <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - vmmc-supply = <®_usdhc2_vmmc>; - no-1-8-v; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&gpu { - status = "okay"; -}; - -&vpu { - status = "okay"; -}; - -&wdog1 { - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_wdog>; - fsl,ext-reset-output; - status = "okay"; -}; - -&mu { - status = "okay"; -}; - -&cpu_alert0 { - temperature = <125000>; -}; - -&cpu_crit0 { - temperature = <165000>; -}; diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8.h b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8.h deleted file mode 100644 index 81d0e20..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2017 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - */ - -#ifndef __CL_IMX8_H -#define __CL_IMX8_H - -#include -#include -#include "imx_env.h" - -#ifdef CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT -#define CONFIG_CSF_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8K region */ -#endif - -#define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE 0x7E1000 -#define CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE (148 * 1024) -#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN (512 * 1024) -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_USE_SECTOR -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR 0x300 -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_FS_BOOT_PARTITION 1 - -#ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD -/*#define CONFIG_ENABLE_DDR_TRAINING_DEBUG*/ -#define CONFIG_SPL_WATCHDOG_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_DRIVERS_MISC_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_POWER_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_I2C_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT "arch/arm/cpu/armv8/" -#define CONFIG_SPL_STACK 0x187FF0 -#define CONFIG_SPL_LIBCOMMON_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_GPIO_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_MMC_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR 0x00180000 -#define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8 KB */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_START 0x42200000 -#define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_SIZE 0x80000 /* 512 KB */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_PTE_RAM_BASE 0x41580000 -#define CONFIG_SYS_ICACHE_OFF -#define CONFIG_SYS_DCACHE_OFF - -#define CONFIG_MALLOC_F_ADDR 0x182000 /* malloc f used before GD_FLG_FULL_MALLOC_INIT set */ - -#define CONFIG_SPL_ABORT_ON_RAW_IMAGE /* For RAW image gives a error info not panic */ - -#undef CONFIG_DM_MMC -#undef CONFIG_DM_PMIC -#undef CONFIG_DM_PMIC_PFUZE100 - -#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C -#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC_I2C1 /* enable I2C bus 1 */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC_I2C2 /* enable I2C bus 2 */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MXC_I2C3 /* enable I2C bus 3 */ - -#define CONFIG_ENV_VARS_UBOOT_RUNTIME_CONFIG - -#define CONFIG_POWER -#define CONFIG_POWER_I2C -#define CONFIG_POWER_PFUZE100 -#define CONFIG_POWER_PFUZE100_I2C_ADDR 0x08 -#endif - -#define CONFIG_REMAKE_ELF - -#define CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F -#define CONFIG_BOARD_POSTCLK_INIT -#define CONFIG_BOARD_LATE_INIT - -/* Flat Device Tree Definitions */ -#define CONFIG_OF_BOARD_SETUP - -#undef CONFIG_CMD_IMLS - -#undef CONFIG_CMD_CRC32 -#undef CONFIG_BOOTM_NETBSD - -/* ENET Config */ -/* ENET1 */ -#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) -#define CONFIG_CMD_PING -#define CONFIG_CMD_DHCP -#define CONFIG_CMD_MII -#define CONFIG_MII -#define CONFIG_ETHPRIME "FEC" - -#define CONFIG_FEC_MXC -#define CONFIG_FEC_XCV_TYPE RGMII -#define CONFIG_FEC_MXC_PHYADDR 0 -#define FEC_QUIRK_ENET_MAC - -#define CONFIG_PHY_GIGE -#define IMX_FEC_BASE 0x30BE0000 - -#define CONFIG_PHYLIB -#define CONFIG_PHY_ATHEROS -#endif - -#define CONFIG_MFG_ENV_SETTINGS \ - "mfgtool_args=setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} " \ - "rdinit=/linuxrc " \ - "g_mass_storage.stall=0 g_mass_storage.removable=1 " \ - "g_mass_storage.idVendor=0x066F g_mass_storage.idProduct=0x37FF "\ - "g_mass_storage.iSerialNumber=\"\" "\ - "clk_ignore_unused "\ - "\0" \ - "initrd_addr=0x43800000\0" \ - "initrd_high=0xffffffff\0" \ - "bootcmd_mfg=run mfgtool_args;booti ${loadaddr} ${initrd_addr} ${fdt_addr};\0" \ -/* Initial environment variables */ -#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ - CONFIG_MFG_ENV_SETTINGS \ - "script=boot.scr\0" \ - "image=Image\0" \ - "console=ttymxc2,115200 earlycon=ec_imx6q,0x30880000,115200\0" \ - "fdt_addr=0x43000000\0" \ - "fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \ - "boot_fdt=try\0" \ - "fdt_file="CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE"\0" \ - "initrd_addr=0x43800000\0" \ - "initrd_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \ - "mmcdev="__stringify(CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV)"\0" \ - "mmcpart="__stringify(CONFIG_SYS_MMC_IMG_LOAD_PART)"\0" \ - "mmcautodetect=yes\0" \ - "mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p2 rootwait rw\0 " \ - "loadbootscript=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${script};\0" \ - "bootscript=echo Running bootscript from mmc ...; " \ - "source\0" \ - "loadimage=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${image}\0" \ - "loadfdt=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file}\0" \ - "mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc ...; " \ - "run mmcargs; " \ - "if test ${boot_fdt} = yes || test ${boot_fdt} = try; then " \ - "if run loadfdt; then " \ - "booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; " \ - "else " \ - "echo WARN: Cannot load the DT; " \ - "fi; " \ - "else " \ - "echo wait for boot; " \ - "fi;\0" \ - "autoload=off\0" \ - "netargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} " \ - "root=/dev/nfs " \ - "ip=dhcp nfsroot=${serverip}:${nfsroot},v3,tcp\0" \ - "netboot=echo Booting from net ...; " \ - "run netargs; " \ - "if test ${ip_dyn} = yes; then " \ - "setenv get_cmd dhcp; " \ - "else " \ - "setenv get_cmd tftp; " \ - "fi; " \ - "${get_cmd} ${loadaddr} ${image}; " \ - "if test ${boot_fdt} = yes || test ${boot_fdt} = try; then " \ - "if ${get_cmd} ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file}; then " \ - "booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; " \ - "else " \ - "echo WARN: Cannot load the DT; " \ - "fi; " \ - "else " \ - "booti; " \ - "fi;\0" - -#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \ - "mmc dev ${mmcdev}; if mmc rescan; then " \ - "if run loadbootscript; then " \ - "run bootscript; " \ - "else " \ - "if run loadimage; then " \ - "run mmcboot; " \ - "else booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; " \ - "fi; " \ - "fi; " \ - "else booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; fi" - -/* Link Definitions */ -#define CONFIG_LOADADDR 0x40480000 - -#define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR CONFIG_LOADADDR - -#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x40000000 -#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x80000 -#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_OFFSET \ - (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE - GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE) -#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR \ - (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR + CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_OFFSET) - -#define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE -#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (64 * SZ_64K) -#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x1000 -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV 0 /* USDHC1/eMMC */ -#define CONFIG_MMCROOT "/dev/mmcblk0p2" /* USDHC1 */ - -/* Size of malloc() pool */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN ((CONFIG_ENV_SIZE + (2*1024) + (16*1024)) * 1024) - -#define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x40000000 -#define PHYS_SDRAM 0x40000000 - -#ifdef CONFIG_RAM_1G -#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x40000000 /* 1GB DDR */ -#else -#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x80000000 /* 2GB DDR */ -#endif - -#define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS 1 - -#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START PHYS_SDRAM -#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END (CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START + (PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE >> 1)) - -#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 115200 - -#define CONFIG_MXC_UART -#define CONFIG_MXC_UART_BASE UART3_BASE_ADDR - -/* Monitor Command Prompt */ -#undef CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT -#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT "u-boot=> " -#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2 "> " -#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 2048 -#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS 64 -#define CONFIG_SYS_BARGSIZE CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE -#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE + \ - sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT) + 16) - -#define CONFIG_IMX_BOOTAUX - -#define CONFIG_CMD_MMC -#define CONFIG_FSL_ESDHC -#define CONFIG_FSL_USDHC - -#define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USDHC_NUM 2 -#define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_ESDHC_ADDR 0 - -#define CONFIG_SUPPORT_EMMC_BOOT /* eMMC specific */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_IMG_LOAD_PART 1 - -#define CONFIG_MXC_GPIO - -#define CONFIG_MXC_OCOTP -#define CONFIG_CMD_FUSE - -/* I2C Configs */ -#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED 100000 - -#define CONFIG_OF_SYSTEM_SETUP - -/* Framebuffer */ -#ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO -#define CONFIG_VIDEO_IMXDCSS -#define CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_RLE8 -#define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN -#define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN -#define CONFIG_BMP_16BPP -#define CONFIG_VIDEO_LOGO -#define CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_LOGO -#define CONFIG_IMX_VIDEO_SKIP -#endif - -#if defined(CONFIG_ANDROID_SUPPORT) -#include "cl-imx8_android.h" -#endif - -#endif diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8_android.h b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8_android.h deleted file mode 100644 index aa8e010..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/rvphone/cl-imx8/include/configs/cl-imx8_android.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright 2017 NXP - * - * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ - */ - -#ifndef __CL_IMX8_ANDROID_H -#define __CL_IMX8_ANDROID_H - -#define CONFIG_CMD_READ - -#define CONFIG_ANDROID_AB_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_AVB_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_SUPPORT_EMMC_RPMB -#define CONFIG_SYSTEM_RAMDISK_SUPPORT -#define CONFIG_AVB_FUSE_BANK_SIZEW 0 -#define CONFIG_AVB_FUSE_BANK_START 0 -#define CONFIG_AVB_FUSE_BANK_END 0 -#define CONFIG_FASTBOOT_LOCK -#define FSL_FASTBOOT_FB_DEV "mmc" - -#ifdef CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN -#undef CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN -#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (96 * SZ_1M) -#endif - -#define CONFIG_ANDROID_RECOVERY - -#define CONFIG_CMD_BOOTA -#define CONFIG_SUPPORT_RAW_INITRD - -#undef CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS -#undef CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND - -#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ - "splashpos=m,m\0" \ - "fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \ - "initrd_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \ - -/* Enable mcu firmware flash */ -#ifdef CONFIG_FLASH_MCUFIRMWARE_SUPPORT -#define ANDROID_MCU_FRIMWARE_DEV_TYPE DEV_MMC -#define ANDROID_MCU_FIRMWARE_START 0x500000 -#define ANDROID_MCU_FIRMWARE_SIZE 0x40000 -#define ANDROID_MCU_FIRMWARE_HEADER_STACK 0x20020000 -#endif - -#ifdef CONFIG_FSL_CAAM_KB -#undef CONFIG_FSL_CAAM_KB -#endif -#define AVB_AB_I_UNDERSTAND_LIBAVB_AB_IS_DEPRECATED - -#endif /* __CL_IMX8_ANDROID_H */ diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils/fw_env.config b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils/fw_env.config deleted file mode 100644 index 301f4e8..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils/fw_env.config +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -# eMMC -/dev/mmcblk0 0x400000 0x1000 -# MMC -# /dev/mmcblk1 0x400000 0x1000 diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils_%.bbappend b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils_%.bbappend deleted file mode 100644 index a4439ac..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils_%.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/rvphone/cl-imx8:${THISDIR}/${PN}:" - -LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Licenses/gpl-2.0.txt;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263" - -UBOOT_SRC ?= "git://;protocol=https" -SRCBRANCH = "imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga" -SRC_URI = "${UBOOT_SRC};branch=${SRCBRANCH}" -SRCREV = "87a19df5e462f1f63e8a6d2973c7fb9e95284d04" - -include rvphone/ - -SRC_URI_append = " \ - file://fw_env.config \ -" - -do_compile () { - oe_runmake ${UBOOT_MACHINE} - oe_runmake envtools -} - -COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(cl-imx8)" diff --git a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2018.03.bbappend b/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2018.03.bbappend deleted file mode 100644 index f9ee89f..0000000 --- a/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2018.03.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/rvphone/cl-imx8:" - -include rvphone/ - -PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" -COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(cl-imx8)" -- cgit v1.2.3