BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterdrivers made independent from microcontroller/osUros Majstorovic5 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
5 daysdrivers made independent from microcontroller/osHEADmasterUros Majstorovic
5 daysextended gpio implementedUros Majstorovic
5 daysdrivers made independent from microcontroller/osUros Majstorovic
5 dayslinux for toradex module support initial importUros Majstorovic
7 daysremoved old (compulab) yocto directoryUros Majstorovic
8 daysmoved flash driver back to devUros Majstorovic
9 daysmoved other drivers to drv/Uros Majstorovic
9 daysarducam driver moved to drv/Uros Majstorovic
9 dayssdcard driver moved to drv/Uros Majstorovic
2024-09-12fixed egpioUros Majstorovic